Thursday, December 27, 2007

I hope this works

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 56 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Take the Sci-Fi Movie Quiz canon s5 is

Sunday, December 16, 2007

xmas and all that jazz

well dave is now back at home and even though he has skype its being a bit pants atm, we'll see what happens once hes back from the pub. Also there is a lack of us playing WoW together atm as he parents unistalled it on the home pc but he can hopefully get if off the site adn we'll be back on weds ish. It does give him a good excuse to do his project work which is good.

I have now done all the xmas shopping and have treated me and dave (coz he'll wear it occasionally) to a Magic the gathering hoodie (yes i am that sad, you can also get jewelry which i wouldn't say no to either). I am also buying a few random cards (well anywhere up to 1500 depending on the auctions ending 2m morning) and a theme deck from lorwyn block. Scarily enough i can afford it, well i won't be spending more than i am getting in from jobseekers.

This week, mainly tomorrow i hope, i will be rearranging my room so that i dont have to walk over my double bed (is actually a futon so only 6in off the floor) to get o everything in my room. It will also make it a bit easier when dave is stayiny as his stuff won't get in the way then yay. This as well as hopefully making my room tidier will also give me something to keep me busy :)

Xmas is going to be spent at my aunties as usual and i think we are going up on sat and coming back on thurs after. I hope so as dave i getting the train down on friday so hes here for new year and the annual getting beaten by mum at trivial pursuit event. On the plus side we may get beaten but we'll get tipsy in the process and eat lots of nibbles :D

i also have college this week and we might be ending early and going the pub after, which reminds me must write xmas cards. the downside to college is that the skills assessments have begun and im a little scared, altho atleast we don't have to counsel our tutor like i thought we would have to, we get to do it in a normal role play situation, its just shes watching quite intently.

I think i've waffled enough for now.

take care
