Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well the end of 2008 looms

And out of a little boredom and due to the family time not starting yet i am on dads laptop blogging.

What can i say about 2008, it was a good year in many ways, i found a job, dave moved in with us and richard got engaged. It had its downsides, dave is not allowed jobseekers and i spent half the year missing him. Altogether though this has been a good year and i hope next year has as many good points to it.

I feel that over the last year i have achieved things that i would not think i am capable of, i started my job in june and managed to become a supervisor by the end of october which has given me more responsibility at work. I have gained confidence from work and actually feel mostly competent at my job. I have started the level 3 counselling course and while i do not feel so confident about my counselling skills i do believe in my natural ability to listen to people which is key to becoming a counsellor. I am currently in two minds about doing the level 5 course as it is looking like i will have to pay the full cost which i am unable to in my current situation. Also i have yet to find a placement for my diploma course which i need to sort by the end of February.

In geekier news, i now have a new graphics card but not the power supply to allow me to use it, hopefully this will be sorted soon thanks to my geeky brother :P I have also been playing WoW on a fairly regular basis and have finally managed to reach level 70 with my Mage after 2 years of play. Considering i have about 20 chars over 3 servers i feel i'm doing quite well. Now that dave and i are level 70 we may get round to playing our other joint chars so that will be fun and i will finally get to play the other classes properly.

The new year will bring with it an exam on the 22nd of jan for my counselling course, which i should really revise for. It does however use the exact same 5 questions each year just applied to a different situation. Also next year my brother is getting married in may and as such i should probably start thinking about what i'm going to wear. Other challenges in 2009 will be what happens when 2 members of staff that went on maternity leave come back, while my contracted hours are ok i do like doing the overtime and the paychecks that result from it. Also i need the money now as i have to "support" dave but oh well we manage and we're ok til mum and dad get fed up of us and want us out.

Well i think thats enough rambling for one night and hopefully ill have a few drinks soon, my bros just started so roll on the new year. Many drinks and some good food and a day off.

I hope everyone has a good new year.


Friday, August 29, 2008

A return to the blog

Well its been awhile but im keeping it to one a month atleast. So lets see whats happened since july, well i've ben working all the hours they send me, i thinking im averaging 20 hours a week. I'm now contracted 12 hours a week which is good as it means my base pay is more than jobseekers so i am not going to bother ringing them about a new claim. I can't be bothered with the hassle and they would make me look for a job still anyway.

It was payday on tuesday and so despite not being quite in credit yet i'm still off to cardiff 2m to have a girly shopping day with my mate anna. I've got a budget to stick to but its a healthy one, i also get my garth nix book back off her so i can now read superior saturday. Its also probably the last time ill see her before she goes back to uni. I am hoping my hours quieten down enough so i can have the odd trip to see her and i don't get too tired to do my college work.

Talking of college, i start back next thursday which im also working, i did tell them i couldn't do thurs afternoons but they still try. I sorted it so im working earlier now and can get to college on time. I've started my essay and have done 500 of the 2500 words i need to. i'm spending sunday and next tuesday finishing it. It shouldn't be too hard, the most annoying bit will be the references and the appendices.

We went as a family to see Wall E last week and it was soo cool and i think all of us want one and its def on my xmas list. Its soo cute.

I think that will do for now, my stomach is rumbling so i had best go off and feed it.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Work, essays and other

Well work is going well, I've had an interview to up my hours from 4 to 12, not sure ill manage it but i hope to find out soon. I still manage to do plenty of overtime so roll on august when i might see credit for the first time in over a year. It should be payday soon (hopefully the end of the week) but i won't get that much this month as overtime is paid the month after you do it.

Aside from that i've been ignoring my essay for college which is bad but i will try to atleast get a plan done tomorrow as i'm off and hopefully the cold i have will have eased off a bit. Then its just a case of doing it in stages and to be honest half of it is doing the work for the appendix. All the counselling skills mentioned in the main text can be demonstrated using the fictional client that will be in the essay and these form most of the appendices. I know once i've got started it will be fine, it always is, i just take forever to get started.

Other news, my brother is now engaged and is now worrying over various wedding plans and all that goes with married life.
I am planning on purchasing a bike soon so that one i can get to work under my own steam which will save me alot of money and mean i can work sundays and holidays when mum and dad aren't here. Secondly it will also be a way to keep fit, doing 12 miles atleast 3 times a week has got to be good for me. This will probably only last til i've learnt to drive but i doubt i can do that by xmas which is when i ideally need my own transport due to the high probability of me working xmas eve and my parents being far away at that time.

Lastly (this has been longer than i thought) my mate anna is coming to visit wednesday and is staying the weekend which should be good. I get to do lots of cooking and chilling out as i have fri, sat and sun off. I haven't seen her in ages so will be good to catch up and that.

I think thats enough blogging for one day


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Finally one year on from uni i have found a job, although this is only because of a job placement but im not complaining. Its only a 4hr contract but im currently doing loads of overtime and also its likely ill get more hours soon anyway. Its only retail but it beats sitting at home getting bored, there is only so much WoW a girl can play.

Aside from that dave has now moved in and we're slowly sorting all his stuff out and hopefully after the 5th of july everything will be tidy and sorted. Its been good having him here even if he has been annoying me abit.

College is going well, although i am lacking some skills practice but once dave is back from his resits i will put him to good use as a client. I have an essay to write over the summer, although its only 2500 words which shouldn't take too long once ive got an essay plan sorted and my ficticious client prepared for it.

Oh well i think thats enough for now, i need to go relax and try not to miss dave (hes back in hatfield for his resists).


Saturday, May 03, 2008


It's been awhile but to be fair i've been far to tired to blog. Since my last blog i have been put on placement in peacocks and its going ok. It's knackering work mind hence why i keep falling asleep watching dvds and playing games at around 10pm. Still sucks that i can't go visit dave but im hoping they will let me have one day when me and the rents go to pick him up to move in here in about 4 weeks.
I am looking forward to him moving in even if it is a lil scary. It'll be nice to not have to say goodbye in a "see you in 2 wks" kinda way. Scary as its a big step and im not 100% sure how we'll cope living together and how dave will cope getting used to wales.
Also last weekend on sat we had my dads leaving do and he is moving from his job for the council to become the CEO of Hereforshire Nature Trust which is a scary move for him but hopefully one where he will have better job satisfaction and just generally be happier doing it.
Mum is now back in work and although still working for the same crappy council is feeling better now she is not crawling up the walls at home.
I am glad to be out doing something and geting retail experience, im just hoping that someone may employ me soon. I keep trying and i just have to wait and see. I just hope dave has more luck than me at getting a job.

i think that'll do for now


Thursday, March 27, 2008

A4E are shit

says it all

Well says it all really and i'm supposed to go to thier offices in newport for another 12 weeks after 2m for "training" yes well, if i wasnt motivated before i am now, any job will do, although im hoping to sort out my placement 2m, oh i hope i do as that place will destroy my soul other wise.

Anyway i won't go on a rant, ive already done that to dave and its quite long and right now im too tired. Other than A4E making me go to newport and me not being able to see dave to much even though hes down everythingelse is fine. grr


Monday, March 24, 2008


Haven't blogged for awhile, its amazing how the days merge and time just passes me by. damn i need a job. Although on the plus side i am starting my voluntary work tomorrow. Well i'm going for an induction day at the agency that have set it up and hopefully i'll start properly on wednesday or sometime this week. I'm going to be volunteering in the citizens advice bureau and im curious as to what they will want me to do. I told the jobcentre i wanted counselling related work but i suppose ill find out tomorrow and also its something else to go on the cv. Also as this counts as training i don't have to sign on every fortnight now yays, well until june when we have to see what happens with me then.

Since my last blog i have also started the advanced counselling course at college. Its on the same night as the last course which is cool. it is alot more theory than before which is making me think a bit more and we have to write 3 essays for this course and i can't ait to get the title of the first one, even though i know the topic a title is also something good to have.

I am now also starting to worry how i'm going to fit daves stuff into my room in the summer and i am now starting to try and have a harsh clearout of stuff that i just don't need. Hopefully some of it i can flog on eBay and some of it may go to friends if i think they want it. Doesn't help that i don't know if daves rents will keep some of his stuff at home, as until we get a place of our own some things he doesn't need, as me and mum have most of the final fantasy games so he doesn't need them. Its going to be a nightmare i can see it and no matter how carefully i plan it there is no doubt going to be some extra trips up the country. oh well it gives me something to look forward to. I just wish we had a place of our own but that'll have to wait till we both got jobs.

Daves coming back down tomorrow as well and i can't wait even though im gonna be knackered as its an early start as i have to be in newport at 9am. I'll probably put on a film and then just fall asleep knowing my luck.

I think that'll do for now, i'm contemplating having some lunch and then to try to sort my room, i need to tidy it for tomorrow and i might try to sort a few bits out ready for listing on thursday maybe.

take care all


Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's been awhile

So heres an update.

I've finished my counselling course, passed all the skills section adn am waiting til march for the exam results. The advanced course start the week after next although i don't know what day yet so i have to ring the college soon.

I'm still jobless, sigh, one day someone will give me a job. off to the jobcentre to see my advisor this wednesday so see what she says. It would nice to bein credit again by my birthday.

This wednesday i am also going down to see dave and that which i am looking forward to. I am also planning to do a girls night in when im there to promote my mums handmade jewelry which should be fun. obviously im also down to see dave for valentines day but this year we're not going the commercial tacky route :D I'm taking him the the british science museum and hes cooking me a three course meal. they might be a few more romantical things but i don't want o disturb anyone :P

I am also trying to start a fitness kick, this is down to the fact im paranoid im gonna have no end of probs being my current weight and also because i don't like what i see when i look in the mirror. My diet is being ok at the moment and im not snacking as much as i used to which i think was my main downfall. I still need to eat breakfast more but im working on that. I'm going to start being more active and fitting in some exercise into everyday, or every other. Also being active might help keep my spirits up because having nothing to get up for really sucks.

Also got Daywatch dvd from amazon rental yesterday and will be watching it next week, will let you know my thoughts. On the dvd note, i watched kill bill vol 2 last week, i have to say the kill bill films, while being something i can watch, i just don't like them, i mean the plots simple enough to follow and its an evening but theres something about the way they've been produced that makes me think i could be watching a better film. Dave has them on dvd and it was his i borrowed, i somehow doubt its a film we're going to reach for time and again.

I think i may start doing dvd review blogs more often, ive seen enough films (and i know liz reads this and might get a recomendation :P) and it'd give me something to do.

Anywho i need to resart my pc and figure out why avg won't install itself and by that time dave might have woken from his slumber (what a great word).


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

exams done

Well i had my exam for my counselling course yesterday. Some of the questions were a little tricky but hopefully i managed to pass, its based on the national average though so we'll have to wait and see. I still have to go in thursday otherwise id be on a train now, but there are still skill assessments needing to be done and i have one left. We might be having one the week after too but we don't know yet.
This weekend i'm off up to hatfield to see dave and everybody. Looking forward to it as i havent been down for ages and if i don't go this weekend then i won't til the middle of feb and thats just too long.
I've decided that ll application forms should be the same jut to minimise confusion, and also the qualifications section should be bigger. That and i'm just fed up of them now and just want a job, unfortunately i want one that won't stop me going to college and i don't know what day the advanced course is on yet. argh.

Aside from that, ive managed to clear a drawer and some space in the wardrobe for some of daves stuff. Would be nice to have our own place but that ain't gonna happen for awhile. Hopefully dave can get a job pretty quick fingers crossed.

Anyway, i'd best go off and find something to do with the rest of the day, hmm i haven't alphabatised my dvds yet.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

reflection and moving forwards

well last year saw a few changes occur, i became a graduate with a 2:2 in psychology, i left behind the student lifestyle i had become acustomed to and went back to living with my parents. This was good and bad, good as i don't have to worry about bills etc, but bad as im now 200 miles from my bf and many of my friends. Also after bing independent (ish) for 3 years, being back home is a challenge to get used to again.

2007 also marked a change in me, i started being myself more and i feel that my confidence has grown even if you wouldn't think it to see me. This year also marked mine and daves 1st year together and i can only hope that there are many more, i know when i think of the future i can see him by my side and i know he feels the same, just gotta get there now. Our current plans due to me being still unemployed are that he will move in with me at my parents (if they let him). I've rearranged my room so that it can become a reality now i just have to get rid of all the things i really don't need.

2008 is promising to be a good year, i'm going to be going onto the advanced course with the friends ive made on the intermediate and it brings me one step closer to my goal of becoming a counsellor. Also in june dave will be with me and hopefully he'll manage to get a job quicker than its taken me. I also hope to have a job by june, new deal maybe able to hep me there so fingers crossed. Also i plan to start learning to drive as well as leading a healthier lifestyle than i do now. I took one look at the scales and decided i wanted to lose weight, im aiming for a stone atleast but we'll see how that goes.

Despite my negative moods that i have which are quite destroying in some respects, i am quite hopeful that the year ahead will have me moving forwards, hopefully in a way i want to go, or atleast puting me where im supposed to be.


well its been awhile

I have been avoiding blogging mainly because he family dog, tweekie died before xmas and i havent really been in the mood to blog. I'm now in better spirit than i was, altho still not 100%. Then again i still don't have a job and dave s still too far away.

Other than the obvious sadness of not having tweekie with us this xmas, it went, and it went ok, i have a new phone (same number) and it purple :) also got a learning to counsel book of my uncle which i think will be very handy in the run up to my exam on 21st jan. My nan was not using her false teeth so only the veg and pudding were eaten at xmas dinner. I myself had a lamb steak that could have been better, still enjoyable tho. It was nice to see all the family again.

we came back and then dave came down the next day which was cool, was soo happy to see him. Then it was the new year, rich and his gf came up the sat before and left evening on new year. Twas good to see him and his gf, it was also nice to have a full house as it were, it just all felt right which was nice. We had the usual gmae of trivial pursuit, which richs gf won on teh old kids questions (some of which are actually hard) and then i came next although i was using the genus questions nd a lot of help. We finished it just before 12 so dave did his party piece on singstar (madonna - material girl for those who havent had the pleasure?), i also did a song and my bro gave a rap song ago.

Since then me and dave spent some quality time together, went out with the rents a few places, picked up a few treats. Dave had to go back to uni yesterday which sucks but hopefully ill get to go visit soon.

I am now on the New Deal thing at the jobcentre, im having regular meetings with my advisor and i get a travelcard that lets me get cheap bus and train fares. Least this should get me into work i want to do even if i have to do volunteer work. i am also if my dad agrees to help pay going to be going onto the advanced certificate in counselling in feb after my current course finishes.

I am also going to be getting a new (well secondhand, lets here it for freecycle) futon, which means sorting my room out again ands i only did it just before xmas. oh well, the mattress has to be better than what i have at the moment.

It has been busy and this is just what has happened, ill post later my thoughts fo this year and share my goals with you, if i blog them i might actually get a few done.

Happy new year to everyone
