Thursday, March 27, 2008

A4E are shit

says it all

Well says it all really and i'm supposed to go to thier offices in newport for another 12 weeks after 2m for "training" yes well, if i wasnt motivated before i am now, any job will do, although im hoping to sort out my placement 2m, oh i hope i do as that place will destroy my soul other wise.

Anyway i won't go on a rant, ive already done that to dave and its quite long and right now im too tired. Other than A4E making me go to newport and me not being able to see dave to much even though hes down everythingelse is fine. grr


Monday, March 24, 2008


Haven't blogged for awhile, its amazing how the days merge and time just passes me by. damn i need a job. Although on the plus side i am starting my voluntary work tomorrow. Well i'm going for an induction day at the agency that have set it up and hopefully i'll start properly on wednesday or sometime this week. I'm going to be volunteering in the citizens advice bureau and im curious as to what they will want me to do. I told the jobcentre i wanted counselling related work but i suppose ill find out tomorrow and also its something else to go on the cv. Also as this counts as training i don't have to sign on every fortnight now yays, well until june when we have to see what happens with me then.

Since my last blog i have also started the advanced counselling course at college. Its on the same night as the last course which is cool. it is alot more theory than before which is making me think a bit more and we have to write 3 essays for this course and i can't ait to get the title of the first one, even though i know the topic a title is also something good to have.

I am now also starting to worry how i'm going to fit daves stuff into my room in the summer and i am now starting to try and have a harsh clearout of stuff that i just don't need. Hopefully some of it i can flog on eBay and some of it may go to friends if i think they want it. Doesn't help that i don't know if daves rents will keep some of his stuff at home, as until we get a place of our own some things he doesn't need, as me and mum have most of the final fantasy games so he doesn't need them. Its going to be a nightmare i can see it and no matter how carefully i plan it there is no doubt going to be some extra trips up the country. oh well it gives me something to look forward to. I just wish we had a place of our own but that'll have to wait till we both got jobs.

Daves coming back down tomorrow as well and i can't wait even though im gonna be knackered as its an early start as i have to be in newport at 9am. I'll probably put on a film and then just fall asleep knowing my luck.

I think that'll do for now, i'm contemplating having some lunch and then to try to sort my room, i need to tidy it for tomorrow and i might try to sort a few bits out ready for listing on thursday maybe.

take care all
