It's been awhile but to be fair i've been far to tired to blog. Since my last blog i have been put on placement in peacocks and its going ok. It's knackering work mind hence why i keep falling asleep watching dvds and playing games at around 10pm. Still sucks that i can't go visit dave but im hoping they will let me have one day when me and the rents go to pick him up to move in here in about 4 weeks.
I am looking forward to him moving in even if it is a lil scary. It'll be nice to not have to say goodbye in a "see you in 2 wks" kinda way. Scary as its a big step and im not 100% sure how we'll cope living together and how dave will cope getting used to wales.
Also last weekend on sat we had my dads leaving do and he is moving from his job for the council to become the CEO of Hereforshire Nature Trust which is a scary move for him but hopefully one where he will have better job satisfaction and just generally be happier doing it.
Mum is now back in work and although still working for the same crappy council is feeling better now she is not crawling up the walls at home.
I am glad to be out doing something and geting retail experience, im just hoping that someone may employ me soon. I keep trying and i just have to wait and see. I just hope dave has more luck than me at getting a job.
i think that'll do for now