but there has been alot going on.
Firstly i've finished studying at college which is great in some ways but i will miss those thurs evenings. I haven't completed the course quite yet tho as i need to carry out 15 hours of counselling on someone somewhere. I'm hoping to volunteer for pontypool women's aid but we shall have to see if they have enough clients. Once the 15 hours are done and i've had supervision and written my 2500 word case study i will finally have my diploma hooray,
There has also been alot of change at work, my boss left and we have a new manager and assistant manager. We are still settling down as it were and getting to know each other. My new boss is not like my old boss so i will see how it goes. it does mean that with a full management team for the first time in a year my hours are back to what im contracted. This is gonna make things a bit tougher than they have been as i'm used to lots of overtime and nice payslips. We can manage but i am dying to learn to drive now and it would be the best way to find better jobs. Just means not buying anything frivolous.
Lastly dave has finished at A4E (training company the jobcentre send you to) and as a result is back to mopping round the house. I've been trying to get him to start a course but his enthusiasm for anything other than cake and ice cream is non existent. i know how he feels having been to a4e myself but i was lucky and got my job. I do hope he picks up soon.
We went to visit rach, dan and meg at the beginning of aug for a house and baby warming.It was good to see them as despite only living a mere hour away we don't get to see them as much as we'd like. The new house they are in is lovely even without being finished on the inside. It was good to see them and was nice to be out of the house and socialising. It did make me want my own place even more than i already do but that will come one day.
It been hard for me lately so much has changed and i just feel like i'm getting nowhere, 2 years after uni and i'm still at home. I'm not even sure what i'm heading for anymore, until i've done some actual counselling i won't know if its right for me or not. It may be something i should come back to when i'm a little older. Then again i have no fallback plan hmm. Daves full of eternal optimism but i'm only optimistic on my good days, part of me knows it'll be ok in the end and if nothing else i know my family are there for me. Oh well, i'll look into driving lessons and see how it goes, one small step at a time.
On a lighter note my shammy it 70 in WoW and is adventuring in Northrend. Just need to get my hunter to outland, power level my rogue to open lockboxes and play our low (lvl 30) warrior priest combo. oh and sort out the guild bank again, 4 tabs of stuff *sigh*
take care and have fun