I'm still here, I'm still alive just been playing too much WoW and watching too many dvds :P
Had a visit from Phlip which was fun, we had a day out in cardiff where i spent too much money but was awesome. We watched Up while she was here while eating a massive amoutn of pick + mix, the film had some great moments and was a happy/sad film.
Work has been plodding along, el one of our assistant manages has left and we're waiting for a new one. This means a little bit of overtime at the mo but that will stop soon no doubt. I've booked my holidays and the first one i have coming up is going to be busy as i plan to visit anna and daves parents in the space of a week. I'm hoping i can afford a few days away just for me and dave but its looking likely it will be a camping trip not that i mind but daves no so sure. I'm off to cardiff again on the 17th this time to see rach, dan and lil meg as shes a whole year older.
Anna will be visiting on sunday and we hope to be making some muffins as a way of bribing dad for all the lifts he gives me. I'm gonna try and get her on lego rock band as well which should be fun :)
Thats all for now going to do a few bits before work this afternoon.