Well i turned 24 this week, there was cake and presents and work unfortunately but oh well. I am now the proud owner of a digital camera all of my own. Its a baby version of the ones my mum and dad have but it still has more functions than i'm likely to every understand. So hopefully in the near future my blog will start having some picture in it of things i see everyday that make me think or i find interesting,
I also had a driving lesson that started off quite rubbish as i just had a blank on how to do anything. It did get better and by the end of the lesson i was back to feeling at least half competent again. I really can't wait to get some extra practise in as then i won't spend the first 30mins of my lesson remembering everything again. 2 weeks between lessons is rather a long time really but i can't afford them every week and only having one hour wouldn't give us much time to get to town and then back home again and do much in town.
In Dave's news he has applied for yet another teaching assistant job and i hope we hear something from this one even if it is a no, just be nice to get some feedback. His course finishes soon and the school where he currently is is happy for him to continue going there as a volunteer once it is finished so if nothing else he will have something to do.
Well its a nice day today and dave and i are going for a picnic in a little bit and maybe just maybe i'll catch the sun and stop being a pale shade of pale :P