Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I'll try to keep it brief and concise but no promises.
  1. I am looking for a job, which i need to learn to drive and now i've found out, upgrade my bank account to a graduate one.
  2. My room is not yet livable in except to sleep, 2 rooms stuff into 1 room = nightmare.
  3. I have to go the job centre 2m as well as a small list of other things which means 2m is busy and my room will stay unpacked til the end of the week no doubt.
  4. The bps are smelly as they won't let me join unless i get 2 other graduate or higher members to sign my form, which means travelling which i can't afford.
  5. Part from that things are good, and yay.
  6. The world sucks as money is too essential to living. I'm prob only saying that as i have none but still, it sucks.
Anyway that was brief, hopefully in the next week i can blog how i will prob have new glasses, be on jobseekers and have extended my overdraft (fingers crossed).
Now i'm tired and i have to be up in the mornign to go run arouns town, yay.


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