Monday, August 13, 2007


Well yesterday i just picked up a pencila and started drawing, i was bored and theres always a stack of paper on my desk for KOS (kill on sight list for WoW) and workign out how much money i don't have. Yesterday tho i was taken with an urge to draw, i didnt know what but a quick google search gave me some ideas. I drew a cute thing for dave, a teddy bear, eeyore, a rose, grr, attempted a turtle and a pic of me and dave cutsey style. Well i tried and some arent bad, and i enjoyed doing it. It was relaxing and creative, and i liked it, normally my relaxation is games or books or a walk if its nice. I've been wanting to do something creative for awhile and it was nice to find something i could do with little prep. I do occasionally try to do a bit of creative writing but that requires my mind to be in the right place and it hasn't been there for a bit.

I'm hoping i keep drawing, the sweet things i do for dave often rely on others (except the cooking i suppose) and it would be nice if one day the picture in my head that i would like to see on paper i could actually draw. Maybe one day.

Aside form that im not back at my local docs officially, im still jobless but as in my previous blog im hopeful, as my overdraft gets less more option become available, learning to drive being one. Dad has always said that he would pay for half so we're working on a buy one get one free type of scheme from my perspective. I buy a lesson and then the next ones dads to pay. Now to find a driving instructor. Least its cheaper here than it would have been at uni. I'm gonna try for a lesson a week to start with.

Other than that not much else is going on.


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