Thursday, November 15, 2007

Patch Day

*warning WoW related post you've been warned*

Ok this is a World of warcraft post through and through, so patch day was yesterday and all went smoothly in so far as the realms were up by 10am in the UK. I read the patch notes again for the tenth time, find that one of my shamans talents has been changed. Not complaining tho as they gave us all the talents points to spen again and i like the talent they replaced the old one with.
The big thing about this patch other than a new 10 man dungeon that i'm proably never gonna do although you never know (now to find more friends to help make the guild me and dave want a reality), is hat in this patch tehy have decreased the exp needed to level and we are geting more exp from kills and quests oh yeah, my shammy went up 1 level as did my main and my hunter went up 2. Ok so my main (Lvl 51 frost mage) was farming undead in western plaguelands for argent dwan rep and doing 1 quet chain around said undead but still it was fun, also my frostbolts crit for 1200 plus atm, ok so daves curse of elements that him puts on them probably helped but only a little.

Another cool thing about this patch is my arcan intellect spell has had its mana cost reduced significantly which im very happy about, i can now do it 3 times (me, daves warlock and his voidwalker) and have mana left. Means less time drinkin to regain mana and more time fighting :D
Also we can now right click to add items to trade windows and mail windows. Also we can send more than one item per mail, finally. The guild banks which have no effect on me yet, are cool, well the ogrimmar ones are ok, the undercity ones rock and look soo cool. Roll on making a guild.
All this means questing becomes more fun than it was and me and dave might hit lvl 60 maybe before xmas depending on how often we play. Now to get all my alts i play on my own to 30 atleast. They were supposed to be making it so that you could click on a recipe for equippable items and see them equipped but that doesn't seem to be working, although i'm not getting the "i can't equip that" voice so i dunno what they've done. As usual Blizzard are making more work for themselves but atleast they have keeped The Venture Co realm up on patch days which when i was at uni was a rare thing. It was the reason me and dave made alliance characters on another server.

I think thats enough WoW talk for now, but yayness for the patch.


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