Friday, July 09, 2010

Busy month

well july is a month full of stuff, the first weekend, mum and me went and did the Friends of Castle Green summer fair. It was a good day even if i got sunburnt, that'll teach me :P
Work is keeping me busy and im doing the odd extra shift at the moment which i am grateful for.
Anna is visiting and a trip to cardiff is planned for monday, before that there is the abergavenny craft fair tomorrow and im working all weekend.
The following weekend, there is the Abertillery Blues festival which mu  has gotten a table for in the craft tent so the 16 and 17th we'll be there.

Other than that i have had one driving lesson and will have another before the month is out. I'm hoping that i can get some practice in mums car soon as i really think it would help.

Aside from that i have been having pc issues. I got an infection that destroyed my connection to the internet. I gave up trying different types of removal software and just restored it back to factory settings. I haven't tested WoW on it yet but will do soon, that will be the ultimate test to see if it really has recognized my graphics card.

I think that covers most things, hoping philip can come visit again soon and thats about it at the mo :)

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