Friday, April 27, 2007

And relax

Well the project has been handed in, 40 pages of research although whether it can get me a good grade is another matter. I don't find out til august i think.
I've had my last lecture ever, well i'm supposed to be there at 10 but i'm not going as its the revision lecture and i'll just fall asleep. On the plus side my last lecture was a revision lecture by my fav lecturer on a topic i really enjoy. Topics in forensic and criminal psyhcology. My mate liz was saying that she was aiming to do 4 hours of revision a day, which is an acheivable target for even the laziest students (and theres only so much WoW u can play) and compared to my usually revison technique (the week before the exam or gap inbetween exams) its gotta be a better plan. 3 exams and im no longer a student :S
I'm relaxing til monday tho, and tidying the house as due to me focussing on my project so much my room and the downstairs looks a bit of a mess. The living room has turned into a wardrobe and under the staris is a mess and the kitchen needs a good clean, and why on earth is carpet tiles a good idea in a kitchen - just a pain in the ass to clean. Have to hover it like every week,least on the wood floor at home just get the brush out, done. Hover - def too much effort considering the state hobs and surfaces get in sharing with 2 others (well 4 others if we include my bf and sam who stays 2/3 nights out of ever 7).
I now have season 2 of House to watch - yay, thanks to liz again for having some quality dvds, liz u rock and i'm gonna miss u next year.
I found out i don't have to leave til the 17th of june altho its likely i'll go back the 16th, as my dad has to pick me up and i think he'd prefer to spend fathers day chilling than being a long distance taxi.
Well i think thats enough rambling for now, back to my morning cup of tea and wandering the internet a bit.

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