Friday, May 04, 2007


Well i'm to the boyfrineds parents place again in doncaster surprisingly given the title, theres his birthday next week and his sisters boyfriedns 30th this sat so we're going up for the bbq thier having. Least the train journey is only bout 2 hrs unlike the 3 and a half it is to get home. Will give me a chance to finish reading Eldest at last, started it at xmas but i just don't feel like reading as much when im at uni which sucks.
This morning will be spent mostly packing, having a shower and chillin, dave has lectures til 1 so we're not getting the train til like half 2. I wasn't supposed to get up this early today but between my bladder and my bf it was hard not too, does give me more time to be organised and enjoy my morning cup of tea.
I got my Coldsnap fat pack yesterday, for those who don't know i play Magic the Gathering and Coldsnap was a block of cards they released.
Find out more here,
Futuresight the most recent block was released yesterday and hopefully daves and mines fatpacks are in the post as i type. Theres a card shop in Doncaster that we might pop into to buy the theme decks and any other cards that take our fancy.

Anyway i'm off to make myself some tea and check my auction on WoW.


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