Tuesday, January 22, 2008

exams done

Well i had my exam for my counselling course yesterday. Some of the questions were a little tricky but hopefully i managed to pass, its based on the national average though so we'll have to wait and see. I still have to go in thursday otherwise id be on a train now, but there are still skill assessments needing to be done and i have one left. We might be having one the week after too but we don't know yet.
This weekend i'm off up to hatfield to see dave and everybody. Looking forward to it as i havent been down for ages and if i don't go this weekend then i won't til the middle of feb and thats just too long.
I've decided that ll application forms should be the same jut to minimise confusion, and also the qualifications section should be bigger. That and i'm just fed up of them now and just want a job, unfortunately i want one that won't stop me going to college and i don't know what day the advanced course is on yet. argh.

Aside from that, ive managed to clear a drawer and some space in the wardrobe for some of daves stuff. Would be nice to have our own place but that ain't gonna happen for awhile. Hopefully dave can get a job pretty quick fingers crossed.

Anyway, i'd best go off and find something to do with the rest of the day, hmm i haven't alphabatised my dvds yet.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

reflection and moving forwards

well last year saw a few changes occur, i became a graduate with a 2:2 in psychology, i left behind the student lifestyle i had become acustomed to and went back to living with my parents. This was good and bad, good as i don't have to worry about bills etc, but bad as im now 200 miles from my bf and many of my friends. Also after bing independent (ish) for 3 years, being back home is a challenge to get used to again.

2007 also marked a change in me, i started being myself more and i feel that my confidence has grown even if you wouldn't think it to see me. This year also marked mine and daves 1st year together and i can only hope that there are many more, i know when i think of the future i can see him by my side and i know he feels the same, just gotta get there now. Our current plans due to me being still unemployed are that he will move in with me at my parents (if they let him). I've rearranged my room so that it can become a reality now i just have to get rid of all the things i really don't need.

2008 is promising to be a good year, i'm going to be going onto the advanced course with the friends ive made on the intermediate and it brings me one step closer to my goal of becoming a counsellor. Also in june dave will be with me and hopefully he'll manage to get a job quicker than its taken me. I also hope to have a job by june, new deal maybe able to hep me there so fingers crossed. Also i plan to start learning to drive as well as leading a healthier lifestyle than i do now. I took one look at the scales and decided i wanted to lose weight, im aiming for a stone atleast but we'll see how that goes.

Despite my negative moods that i have which are quite destroying in some respects, i am quite hopeful that the year ahead will have me moving forwards, hopefully in a way i want to go, or atleast puting me where im supposed to be.


well its been awhile

I have been avoiding blogging mainly because he family dog, tweekie died before xmas and i havent really been in the mood to blog. I'm now in better spirit than i was, altho still not 100%. Then again i still don't have a job and dave s still too far away.

Other than the obvious sadness of not having tweekie with us this xmas, it went, and it went ok, i have a new phone (same number) and it purple :) also got a learning to counsel book of my uncle which i think will be very handy in the run up to my exam on 21st jan. My nan was not using her false teeth so only the veg and pudding were eaten at xmas dinner. I myself had a lamb steak that could have been better, still enjoyable tho. It was nice to see all the family again.

we came back and then dave came down the next day which was cool, was soo happy to see him. Then it was the new year, rich and his gf came up the sat before and left evening on new year. Twas good to see him and his gf, it was also nice to have a full house as it were, it just all felt right which was nice. We had the usual gmae of trivial pursuit, which richs gf won on teh old kids questions (some of which are actually hard) and then i came next although i was using the genus questions nd a lot of help. We finished it just before 12 so dave did his party piece on singstar (madonna - material girl for those who havent had the pleasure?), i also did a song and my bro gave a rap song ago.

Since then me and dave spent some quality time together, went out with the rents a few places, picked up a few treats. Dave had to go back to uni yesterday which sucks but hopefully ill get to go visit soon.

I am now on the New Deal thing at the jobcentre, im having regular meetings with my advisor and i get a travelcard that lets me get cheap bus and train fares. Least this should get me into work i want to do even if i have to do volunteer work. i am also if my dad agrees to help pay going to be going onto the advanced certificate in counselling in feb after my current course finishes.

I am also going to be getting a new (well secondhand, lets here it for freecycle) futon, which means sorting my room out again ands i only did it just before xmas. oh well, the mattress has to be better than what i have at the moment.

It has been busy and this is just what has happened, ill post later my thoughts fo this year and share my goals with you, if i blog them i might actually get a few done.

Happy new year to everyone
