Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well my fever broke last thurs after my exam so that was fun, spent the nite shivering under a sheet coz my temp hit 40, thankfully was a bit better the next day. Still have a horrible chesty cough that does not want to go away and its keeping me up at nite, im lucky if i get more than 4 hours at the mo and as lectures have started again and i have to work on my project its not good. My cough my also prevent me from see Hundred Reasons as they are playing at my uni tonight and if my cough is bad i shouldnt go as the smoke will aggravate it. argh.
On the plus side id get to watch CSI if i stayed in as i recorded the 4 episodes from Sunday.
Anyway i need to have some luch before i leave to get some cough syrup and go to my lectures.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Nearly there

Well ive done one exam, did better than expected, i think :S, we'll see. Am now revising for my exam thursday, just had a look at the past exam papers and i am not confident, hopefully that will change. If things go badly ill just have make sure i do all the work for my three exam based modules this semseter. Hopefully average at a 2:2, maybe a 2:1 if i really work my ass off.
After my exams im gonna chill and catch up on some games ive got recently - lost magic for the nintendo ds, harvest moon a wonderful life, black as well as the games i had before that i havent finished.

Anyway back to revision.

oh boy.

Friday, January 12, 2007

exmas, argh

well my dissertations in and done so no more worries about that. Now all i have to do is revise for 2 exams next week, im not expecting to do well although i am hoping i manage a pass.
Apart from stressing over exams (which is doing my sleep no good) everything is good. Im off to the cinema sat to watch happy feet with dave and anna. We're going to nandos for dinner after so should be good. I might be going out 2nite but as my lower back is playing up i may not, even if i can drink.
Roll on next friday, then all i have to do is my project and 3 exams in the summer. Then scarily i will be finished forever as far as this degree goes.
ANyway back to the revision.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

at last

I've finished my dissertation, well ive still got the references and the folder of notes and then to bind 2 copies of the dissertation, but that will be a piece of cake in comparision to writing the damn thing.
I can relax tonight and eat ice cream and worry bout things 2m.

Gonna watch CSI/CSI miami and CSI:NY

hav fun folks

Well im back at uni now, got another 800 words and lots of little bits to do before being able to hand in my dissertation on wednesday. Then 2 exams on the 15th and 18th to revise for and then things settle down again for a bit.
Been a bit miserable of late, dont know if its coz im stressed bout my course and not showing it as always. I never truely believe im capable of doing my degree but im still here and all my friends and family think i can do it. Im also a worrier, well not as bad as my mum but i cant help but worry bout people i care about so that doesnt help. Also feeling a bit of a burden to my rents at the mo as dad took me shopping in tescos and is paying my rent, altho i am giving him any of my loan that doesnt pay off my overdraft. I always say im gonna treat my mum and dad to a holiday etc when ive got a decent job after uni but then part of me doesnt believe i can pass and get a decent job. A rock and a hard place anyone.
My bf is being lovely and supportive etc and thats something that is troubling me, im not used to having such a nice bf, previous ones have been caring but not as caring as this one and also not as adamant about how they feel as well. Ah well hopefully after my exams things will get back to normal and i'll feel chirpy again.

This is just a bit of a ramble to avoid work but im gonna go back to that now.