Thursday, November 29, 2007

Graduation, Bill Bailey and all that

Well last thurs went to hatfield, twas good, on friday was my graduation ceremony, i'll upload pics once i nab them off mum and dad. it was good if long, i actually had a moment where i felt proud, but that quickly went as i thoughtback to my still being jobless, oh well. Mum who had lost her voice found it again just after the ceremony and she quickly said she was proud etc just in case it went again (which it did but not until sunday).

Then we came back to wales on sat with dave in tow and after some food shopping for mini xmas had been done. Dave then cleverly laid the old sofa cushion i have on my futon on the floor and we slept on them, rather comfy, better than the floor and one of the best nights sleep i've had in awhile, still sleeping on it now even tho dave went home yesterday.

On sunday we made the journey to cardiff by train. We were there a bit early but we got to look in some shops nad check that Cardiff international arena was where i thought it was. We went and had dinner in kfc, nice and cheap altho the toilets were rubbish. Then wandered back and picked up the tickets finally and waited for the doors to open and spent about an hour sitting waiting for the show to start. It was worth it though, the show was awesome, there was some repition of material altho they were classic bill as well as he tweaked a few gags, most of it was new and soo funny. Hes just as brilliant live as you think he is on dvd, well worth the £55 i spent on tickets.

After seeing bill we stayed with me mate rach in cardiff, finally got to see her house, and we can offically all get xmassy now as shes put her tree up yays (says the girl whos organised a mini xmas for the 8th and 9th). Also got to meet her kitty, whos so much fun as all kittys are as they will try to pounce on anything. Will have to have a proper vsit to see rach one weekend, just not sure when, curse you lack of money.

On that note i spent a fair whack of this fortnights jobseekers on my familys presents and sams, so xmas has been ordered nowit jst needs to turn up. Also this week as wel as getting moeny, i got a fever which i think is going now but still not 100%, but i'd rather get it out of the way now than have it at xmas coz thas annoying.

Take care all


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Patch Day

*warning WoW related post you've been warned*

Ok this is a World of warcraft post through and through, so patch day was yesterday and all went smoothly in so far as the realms were up by 10am in the UK. I read the patch notes again for the tenth time, find that one of my shamans talents has been changed. Not complaining tho as they gave us all the talents points to spen again and i like the talent they replaced the old one with.
The big thing about this patch other than a new 10 man dungeon that i'm proably never gonna do although you never know (now to find more friends to help make the guild me and dave want a reality), is hat in this patch tehy have decreased the exp needed to level and we are geting more exp from kills and quests oh yeah, my shammy went up 1 level as did my main and my hunter went up 2. Ok so my main (Lvl 51 frost mage) was farming undead in western plaguelands for argent dwan rep and doing 1 quet chain around said undead but still it was fun, also my frostbolts crit for 1200 plus atm, ok so daves curse of elements that him puts on them probably helped but only a little.

Another cool thing about this patch is my arcan intellect spell has had its mana cost reduced significantly which im very happy about, i can now do it 3 times (me, daves warlock and his voidwalker) and have mana left. Means less time drinkin to regain mana and more time fighting :D
Also we can now right click to add items to trade windows and mail windows. Also we can send more than one item per mail, finally. The guild banks which have no effect on me yet, are cool, well the ogrimmar ones are ok, the undercity ones rock and look soo cool. Roll on making a guild.
All this means questing becomes more fun than it was and me and dave might hit lvl 60 maybe before xmas depending on how often we play. Now to get all my alts i play on my own to 30 atleast. They were supposed to be making it so that you could click on a recipe for equippable items and see them equipped but that doesn't seem to be working, although i'm not getting the "i can't equip that" voice so i dunno what they've done. As usual Blizzard are making more work for themselves but atleast they have keeped The Venture Co realm up on patch days which when i was at uni was a rare thing. It was the reason me and dave made alliance characters on another server.

I think thats enough WoW talk for now, but yayness for the patch.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Well ok its still november but as i'm doing a mini xmas with my friends on the 8th and 9th of december i've started to think about it. I realised something this year that i should have figured out last year and will be a shock for my rents if they ever read this. I actually enjoy the giving of presents and stocking, for we have them at mini xmas, as well as the big meal more than getting presents. I mean getting stuff is nice but i prefer it when something i've done puts a smile on someones face. This could explain why i'm doing a mini xmas for 7 people including myself and why the stocking im filling are going to probably end up costing more than the presents. i think it will be worth it anyway.

The only downside is the fact that xmas isnt cheap no matter how hard i try and if it wasn't for dave everyone would be getting penny chews. We agreed that i'd buy most of the presents and he'd buy the food, altho he will repay me half the present money when he can. i will be chipping in with the food as some of it is being bought when i visit. Also i've had to do the present buying online and amazon don't directly sell all of the stuff i want to get so postage costs have been a pain but its worth it i think. I ideally wnat to order all the presents this week but that would mean spending more money than im getting in nd i'm trying to avoid that so maybe one day i can get out of my overdraft.

Oh well, its all worth it and maybe in the new year someone will want to employ me. I hope so, me and dave want to have a weekend away in the summer and preferably not in a tent as much as it is fun i'd like to stay somewhere with a bed.

Aside from planning mini xmas and working out what to get the family i've been playing alil WoW, athough roll on patch 2.3 coz then leveling will get a little easier. its also started getting colder and the bathroom is freezing. Some of the new kitcen units have been built and they look nice, can't wait til the new year when its all done properly with a new floor to boot.

well i'm off got some laundry to sort out, washed my dressing gown so its ready to be lived in over the cold months, yay for furry dressing gowns, just need some nice slippers now.

take care all


Thursday, November 08, 2007

back home

Well i went to see dave for just over a week and it was great. I now miss him like mad but what's new. I got my mum a xmas pressie while i was down there and have started making preparations for the mini xmas i do for my friends. I now have the challenge of buying shed loads of presents with not alot of money, oh dear. I'll figure it out though, its mainly annoying because i am probably going to spend one fortnights jobseekers on xmas in one go. Wouldn't be so bad if it was spread out a little and also if dave could pay me back the money he owes and will owe (i'm buying his parents pressies for him plus we get joint pressies for our friends - means we can get a bit more expensive things). i know i'll get it by like the summer but still i'm trying to slowly work my way back to being in credit argh. oh well i like making my friends and family happy so it will be worth it.

It was good to be back in hafield, went to nandos again yum, went shopping in st albans which was cool, got to play on daves xbox 360, viva pinata yays, also oblivion and fable :)

Went to ikea yeasterday with the family, rich came too as he was needed for the moving of a fridge freezer and lifting the heavy boxes containing the new kitchen. Was a long day but meant i slept really well :) we have 95% of the new kitchen, ikea didnt have 2 bits in stock and theres still the floor to order.

i think that'll do for now, off to play a lil WoW and then i have college tonight at 5.
