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Thursday, December 27, 2007
I hope this works
Sunday, December 16, 2007
xmas and all that jazz
well dave is now back at home and even though he has skype its being a bit pants atm, we'll see what happens once hes back from the pub. Also there is a lack of us playing WoW together atm as he parents unistalled it on the home pc but he can hopefully get if off the site adn we'll be back on weds ish. It does give him a good excuse to do his project work which is good.
I have now done all the xmas shopping and have treated me and dave (coz he'll wear it occasionally) to a Magic the gathering hoodie (yes i am that sad, you can also get jewelry which i wouldn't say no to either). I am also buying a few random cards (well anywhere up to 1500 depending on the auctions ending 2m morning) and a theme deck from lorwyn block. Scarily enough i can afford it, well i won't be spending more than i am getting in from jobseekers.
This week, mainly tomorrow i hope, i will be rearranging my room so that i dont have to walk over my double bed (is actually a futon so only 6in off the floor) to get o everything in my room. It will also make it a bit easier when dave is stayiny as his stuff won't get in the way then yay. This as well as hopefully making my room tidier will also give me something to keep me busy :)
Xmas is going to be spent at my aunties as usual and i think we are going up on sat and coming back on thurs after. I hope so as dave i getting the train down on friday so hes here for new year and the annual getting beaten by mum at trivial pursuit event. On the plus side we may get beaten but we'll get tipsy in the process and eat lots of nibbles :D
i also have college this week and we might be ending early and going the pub after, which reminds me must write xmas cards. the downside to college is that the skills assessments have begun and im a little scared, altho atleast we don't have to counsel our tutor like i thought we would have to, we get to do it in a normal role play situation, its just shes watching quite intently.
I think i've waffled enough for now.
take care
I have now done all the xmas shopping and have treated me and dave (coz he'll wear it occasionally) to a Magic the gathering hoodie (yes i am that sad, you can also get jewelry which i wouldn't say no to either). I am also buying a few random cards (well anywhere up to 1500 depending on the auctions ending 2m morning) and a theme deck from lorwyn block. Scarily enough i can afford it, well i won't be spending more than i am getting in from jobseekers.
This week, mainly tomorrow i hope, i will be rearranging my room so that i dont have to walk over my double bed (is actually a futon so only 6in off the floor) to get o everything in my room. It will also make it a bit easier when dave is stayiny as his stuff won't get in the way then yay. This as well as hopefully making my room tidier will also give me something to keep me busy :)
Xmas is going to be spent at my aunties as usual and i think we are going up on sat and coming back on thurs after. I hope so as dave i getting the train down on friday so hes here for new year and the annual getting beaten by mum at trivial pursuit event. On the plus side we may get beaten but we'll get tipsy in the process and eat lots of nibbles :D
i also have college this week and we might be ending early and going the pub after, which reminds me must write xmas cards. the downside to college is that the skills assessments have begun and im a little scared, altho atleast we don't have to counsel our tutor like i thought we would have to, we get to do it in a normal role play situation, its just shes watching quite intently.
I think i've waffled enough for now.
take care
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Graduation, Bill Bailey and all that
Well last thurs went to hatfield, twas good, on friday was my graduation ceremony, i'll upload pics once i nab them off mum and dad. it was good if long, i actually had a moment where i felt proud, but that quickly went as i thoughtback to my still being jobless, oh well. Mum who had lost her voice found it again just after the ceremony and she quickly said she was proud etc just in case it went again (which it did but not until sunday).
Then we came back to wales on sat with dave in tow and after some food shopping for mini xmas had been done. Dave then cleverly laid the old sofa cushion i have on my futon on the floor and we slept on them, rather comfy, better than the floor and one of the best nights sleep i've had in awhile, still sleeping on it now even tho dave went home yesterday.
On sunday we made the journey to cardiff by train. We were there a bit early but we got to look in some shops nad check that Cardiff international arena was where i thought it was. We went and had dinner in kfc, nice and cheap altho the toilets were rubbish. Then wandered back and picked up the tickets finally and waited for the doors to open and spent about an hour sitting waiting for the show to start. It was worth it though, the show was awesome, there was some repition of material altho they were classic bill as well as he tweaked a few gags, most of it was new and soo funny. Hes just as brilliant live as you think he is on dvd, well worth the £55 i spent on tickets.
After seeing bill we stayed with me mate rach in cardiff, finally got to see her house, and we can offically all get xmassy now as shes put her tree up yays (says the girl whos organised a mini xmas for the 8th and 9th). Also got to meet her kitty, whos so much fun as all kittys are as they will try to pounce on anything. Will have to have a proper vsit to see rach one weekend, just not sure when, curse you lack of money.
On that note i spent a fair whack of this fortnights jobseekers on my familys presents and sams, so xmas has been ordered nowit jst needs to turn up. Also this week as wel as getting moeny, i got a fever which i think is going now but still not 100%, but i'd rather get it out of the way now than have it at xmas coz thas annoying.
Take care all
Then we came back to wales on sat with dave in tow and after some food shopping for mini xmas had been done. Dave then cleverly laid the old sofa cushion i have on my futon on the floor and we slept on them, rather comfy, better than the floor and one of the best nights sleep i've had in awhile, still sleeping on it now even tho dave went home yesterday.
On sunday we made the journey to cardiff by train. We were there a bit early but we got to look in some shops nad check that Cardiff international arena was where i thought it was. We went and had dinner in kfc, nice and cheap altho the toilets were rubbish. Then wandered back and picked up the tickets finally and waited for the doors to open and spent about an hour sitting waiting for the show to start. It was worth it though, the show was awesome, there was some repition of material altho they were classic bill as well as he tweaked a few gags, most of it was new and soo funny. Hes just as brilliant live as you think he is on dvd, well worth the £55 i spent on tickets.
After seeing bill we stayed with me mate rach in cardiff, finally got to see her house, and we can offically all get xmassy now as shes put her tree up yays (says the girl whos organised a mini xmas for the 8th and 9th). Also got to meet her kitty, whos so much fun as all kittys are as they will try to pounce on anything. Will have to have a proper vsit to see rach one weekend, just not sure when, curse you lack of money.
On that note i spent a fair whack of this fortnights jobseekers on my familys presents and sams, so xmas has been ordered nowit jst needs to turn up. Also this week as wel as getting moeny, i got a fever which i think is going now but still not 100%, but i'd rather get it out of the way now than have it at xmas coz thas annoying.
Take care all
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Patch Day
*warning WoW related post you've been warned*
Ok this is a World of warcraft post through and through, so patch day was yesterday and all went smoothly in so far as the realms were up by 10am in the UK. I read the patch notes again for the tenth time, find that one of my shamans talents has been changed. Not complaining tho as they gave us all the talents points to spen again and i like the talent they replaced the old one with.
The big thing about this patch other than a new 10 man dungeon that i'm proably never gonna do although you never know (now to find more friends to help make the guild me and dave want a reality), is hat in this patch tehy have decreased the exp needed to level and we are geting more exp from kills and quests oh yeah, my shammy went up 1 level as did my main and my hunter went up 2. Ok so my main (Lvl 51 frost mage) was farming undead in western plaguelands for argent dwan rep and doing 1 quet chain around said undead but still it was fun, also my frostbolts crit for 1200 plus atm, ok so daves curse of elements that him puts on them probably helped but only a little.
Another cool thing about this patch is my arcan intellect spell has had its mana cost reduced significantly which im very happy about, i can now do it 3 times (me, daves warlock and his voidwalker) and have mana left. Means less time drinkin to regain mana and more time fighting :D
Also we can now right click to add items to trade windows and mail windows. Also we can send more than one item per mail, finally. The guild banks which have no effect on me yet, are cool, well the ogrimmar ones are ok, the undercity ones rock and look soo cool. Roll on making a guild.
All this means questing becomes more fun than it was and me and dave might hit lvl 60 maybe before xmas depending on how often we play. Now to get all my alts i play on my own to 30 atleast. They were supposed to be making it so that you could click on a recipe for equippable items and see them equipped but that doesn't seem to be working, although i'm not getting the "i can't equip that" voice so i dunno what they've done. As usual Blizzard are making more work for themselves but atleast they have keeped The Venture Co realm up on patch days which when i was at uni was a rare thing. It was the reason me and dave made alliance characters on another server.
I think thats enough WoW talk for now, but yayness for the patch.
Ok this is a World of warcraft post through and through, so patch day was yesterday and all went smoothly in so far as the realms were up by 10am in the UK. I read the patch notes again for the tenth time, find that one of my shamans talents has been changed. Not complaining tho as they gave us all the talents points to spen again and i like the talent they replaced the old one with.
The big thing about this patch other than a new 10 man dungeon that i'm proably never gonna do although you never know (now to find more friends to help make the guild me and dave want a reality), is hat in this patch tehy have decreased the exp needed to level and we are geting more exp from kills and quests oh yeah, my shammy went up 1 level as did my main and my hunter went up 2. Ok so my main (Lvl 51 frost mage) was farming undead in western plaguelands for argent dwan rep and doing 1 quet chain around said undead but still it was fun, also my frostbolts crit for 1200 plus atm, ok so daves curse of elements that him puts on them probably helped but only a little.
Another cool thing about this patch is my arcan intellect spell has had its mana cost reduced significantly which im very happy about, i can now do it 3 times (me, daves warlock and his voidwalker) and have mana left. Means less time drinkin to regain mana and more time fighting :D
Also we can now right click to add items to trade windows and mail windows. Also we can send more than one item per mail, finally. The guild banks which have no effect on me yet, are cool, well the ogrimmar ones are ok, the undercity ones rock and look soo cool. Roll on making a guild.
All this means questing becomes more fun than it was and me and dave might hit lvl 60 maybe before xmas depending on how often we play. Now to get all my alts i play on my own to 30 atleast. They were supposed to be making it so that you could click on a recipe for equippable items and see them equipped but that doesn't seem to be working, although i'm not getting the "i can't equip that" voice so i dunno what they've done. As usual Blizzard are making more work for themselves but atleast they have keeped The Venture Co realm up on patch days which when i was at uni was a rare thing. It was the reason me and dave made alliance characters on another server.
I think thats enough WoW talk for now, but yayness for the patch.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Well ok its still november but as i'm doing a mini xmas with my friends on the 8th and 9th of december i've started to think about it. I realised something this year that i should have figured out last year and will be a shock for my rents if they ever read this. I actually enjoy the giving of presents and stocking, for we have them at mini xmas, as well as the big meal more than getting presents. I mean getting stuff is nice but i prefer it when something i've done puts a smile on someones face. This could explain why i'm doing a mini xmas for 7 people including myself and why the stocking im filling are going to probably end up costing more than the presents. i think it will be worth it anyway.
The only downside is the fact that xmas isnt cheap no matter how hard i try and if it wasn't for dave everyone would be getting penny chews. We agreed that i'd buy most of the presents and he'd buy the food, altho he will repay me half the present money when he can. i will be chipping in with the food as some of it is being bought when i visit. Also i've had to do the present buying online and amazon don't directly sell all of the stuff i want to get so postage costs have been a pain but its worth it i think. I ideally wnat to order all the presents this week but that would mean spending more money than im getting in nd i'm trying to avoid that so maybe one day i can get out of my overdraft.
Oh well, its all worth it and maybe in the new year someone will want to employ me. I hope so, me and dave want to have a weekend away in the summer and preferably not in a tent as much as it is fun i'd like to stay somewhere with a bed.
Aside from planning mini xmas and working out what to get the family i've been playing alil WoW, athough roll on patch 2.3 coz then leveling will get a little easier. its also started getting colder and the bathroom is freezing. Some of the new kitcen units have been built and they look nice, can't wait til the new year when its all done properly with a new floor to boot.
well i'm off got some laundry to sort out, washed my dressing gown so its ready to be lived in over the cold months, yay for furry dressing gowns, just need some nice slippers now.
take care all
The only downside is the fact that xmas isnt cheap no matter how hard i try and if it wasn't for dave everyone would be getting penny chews. We agreed that i'd buy most of the presents and he'd buy the food, altho he will repay me half the present money when he can. i will be chipping in with the food as some of it is being bought when i visit. Also i've had to do the present buying online and amazon don't directly sell all of the stuff i want to get so postage costs have been a pain but its worth it i think. I ideally wnat to order all the presents this week but that would mean spending more money than im getting in nd i'm trying to avoid that so maybe one day i can get out of my overdraft.
Oh well, its all worth it and maybe in the new year someone will want to employ me. I hope so, me and dave want to have a weekend away in the summer and preferably not in a tent as much as it is fun i'd like to stay somewhere with a bed.
Aside from planning mini xmas and working out what to get the family i've been playing alil WoW, athough roll on patch 2.3 coz then leveling will get a little easier. its also started getting colder and the bathroom is freezing. Some of the new kitcen units have been built and they look nice, can't wait til the new year when its all done properly with a new floor to boot.
well i'm off got some laundry to sort out, washed my dressing gown so its ready to be lived in over the cold months, yay for furry dressing gowns, just need some nice slippers now.
take care all
Thursday, November 08, 2007
back home
Well i went to see dave for just over a week and it was great. I now miss him like mad but what's new. I got my mum a xmas pressie while i was down there and have started making preparations for the mini xmas i do for my friends. I now have the challenge of buying shed loads of presents with not alot of money, oh dear. I'll figure it out though, its mainly annoying because i am probably going to spend one fortnights jobseekers on xmas in one go. Wouldn't be so bad if it was spread out a little and also if dave could pay me back the money he owes and will owe (i'm buying his parents pressies for him plus we get joint pressies for our friends - means we can get a bit more expensive things). i know i'll get it by like the summer but still i'm trying to slowly work my way back to being in credit argh. oh well i like making my friends and family happy so it will be worth it.
It was good to be back in hafield, went to nandos again yum, went shopping in st albans which was cool, got to play on daves xbox 360, viva pinata yays, also oblivion and fable :)
Went to ikea yeasterday with the family, rich came too as he was needed for the moving of a fridge freezer and lifting the heavy boxes containing the new kitchen. Was a long day but meant i slept really well :) we have 95% of the new kitchen, ikea didnt have 2 bits in stock and theres still the floor to order.
i think that'll do for now, off to play a lil WoW and then i have college tonight at 5.
It was good to be back in hafield, went to nandos again yum, went shopping in st albans which was cool, got to play on daves xbox 360, viva pinata yays, also oblivion and fable :)
Went to ikea yeasterday with the family, rich came too as he was needed for the moving of a fridge freezer and lifting the heavy boxes containing the new kitchen. Was a long day but meant i slept really well :) we have 95% of the new kitchen, ikea didnt have 2 bits in stock and theres still the floor to order.
i think that'll do for now, off to play a lil WoW and then i have college tonight at 5.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Well on friday i'm off to hatfield again for just over a week to see dave. Also today i managed to apply for 2 jobs and i have an application form for another. I'm not expecting them to get back to me, no one has so far but lest im trying. I'll admit i havent been trying as hard as i could but part of me is just wanting to stay in hatfield with dave. I figured that it would be too much hassle and soon enough if mum and dad allow he'll be here with m anyway after hes finished uni. I look forward to that.
I should really start to pack coz 2m ive got my course in the evening and i need to check my coursework for that at some point. I've also got some films i really should watch considering i borrowed them off dave atlest a month ago. oops. I'm really looking forward to seeing him, and making him some decent meals and trying to spoil him on a budget, hmm.
aside from that things are the same, im playing too much WoW although lately i have been playing hellgate london as i was invited to the later stages of beta, i'd say as its being released in nov, but i got to try it and i'm liking it so far. I think it will be a possible purchase once its cheaper and i aslo i wouldn't be a subscriber, having WoW is bad enough.
I should really start to pack coz 2m ive got my course in the evening and i need to check my coursework for that at some point. I've also got some films i really should watch considering i borrowed them off dave atlest a month ago. oops. I'm really looking forward to seeing him, and making him some decent meals and trying to spoil him on a budget, hmm.
aside from that things are the same, im playing too much WoW although lately i have been playing hellgate london as i was invited to the later stages of beta, i'd say as its being released in nov, but i got to try it and i'm liking it so far. I think it will be a possible purchase once its cheaper and i aslo i wouldn't be a subscriber, having WoW is bad enough.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
This is baby ellie that dave got me for aou annivarsary :) soo soft
Below is the crystal rose that he got me and the note says "This rose, like my love for you shall never fade or die"
He has his sweet moments.
More positive?
Well today i seem chirpy a bit, well im not mopping, yet anyway. I'm still missing dave loads, and i can't wait to see him again, which when i find out which week is half term, ill know when i can go see him and i might be able to stay for a week and a bit. Which would be cool as we'd get more quality alone time, rather than me trying to fit eveyone into the time and then feeling like i missed some time with him.
This visit i have cunning plans in place though, well i'm arranging some quality time with him and some quality time with anna which will also be spent shopping for items needed for the quality time with dave. I only need to get stuff because he doesn't have any candles and im not carting mine 200 miles especially as i hopefully will be taking daves Lorwyn cards with me too.
I'm hoping i get to meet up with liz again and maybe do lunch with kitty, which would be cool, and for those times when dave has lectures i have his xbox 360 to play with, we got fable to work so i might play that of viva pinata if hes got it for me.
Daves already said that he has a surprise for me that he picked up yesterday, now im curious and now i have to pick him one up to wind him up :)
aside from all that not much is happening, im playing far too much wow and now have 13 characters over 2 servers although one may be deleted. but we got matt back on our server, as well as andy, soon we'll be able to start a guild :) maybe that will stop all the guild invites we get, it wouldn't be so bad if they took the time to ask, they just invite you and we auto click decline, then again i auto click decline anyway oops.
I'm thinking i should go off and level my priest so that me and dave are both lvl 11 when we start again. Dunno what we're gonna do today, hmm oh well
take care all
This visit i have cunning plans in place though, well i'm arranging some quality time with him and some quality time with anna which will also be spent shopping for items needed for the quality time with dave. I only need to get stuff because he doesn't have any candles and im not carting mine 200 miles especially as i hopefully will be taking daves Lorwyn cards with me too.
I'm hoping i get to meet up with liz again and maybe do lunch with kitty, which would be cool, and for those times when dave has lectures i have his xbox 360 to play with, we got fable to work so i might play that of viva pinata if hes got it for me.
Daves already said that he has a surprise for me that he picked up yesterday, now im curious and now i have to pick him one up to wind him up :)
aside from all that not much is happening, im playing far too much wow and now have 13 characters over 2 servers although one may be deleted. but we got matt back on our server, as well as andy, soon we'll be able to start a guild :) maybe that will stop all the guild invites we get, it wouldn't be so bad if they took the time to ask, they just invite you and we auto click decline, then again i auto click decline anyway oops.
I'm thinking i should go off and level my priest so that me and dave are both lvl 11 when we start again. Dunno what we're gonna do today, hmm oh well
take care all
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy and sad things
Well at the weekend i went to visit dave at uni. That was fun, also saw anna, matt, andy, sarah, jay, sam, kitty, liz and then most of psifa. So was a busy weekend but was good fun.
On saturday dave and i had our 1 year anniversary, we went and wandered round the galleria and went and saw surfs up. After that we went home and got changed and then went out to Bella Italia for a meal. The food was gorgeous as was the present dave had saved to give me at the restaurant. Its hard to describe in words so a piccy will be taken. He also got me short circuit dvd and singstar rock ballads, as well as a world of warcraft calander. He also got me a smaller version of the big cuddle elephant i got him and its soo soft and cuddly :)
I went to psifa on the monday which was cool, even though i'd forgotten how to play magic a lil but it soon came back to me. After we got back we decided to watch Howls Moving Castle, which was cool, and as the norm with anime a bit strange. I did doze a lil during some bits as it was like half 12, and as we were watching it in japanese with subtitles meant i missed a lil but i got the jist i think. Didn't finish watching it til half 1, oops. Good job i didnt have to catch the train til half one on tues.
It was really hard to leave, although i didn't cry as much as the last time thankfully, but i was sad and i miss him soo much. I miss uni in general, and all of my friends as a fair few are still there. I'm thinking of going to visit for maybe a week if we do have a week off on my course for half term, coz i can fit it in around signing on.
On the job front, i have heard nothing from coffee#1 which sucks coz i could actually do that. I have an application for tescos up the road, and im applying for tchibo, so its a case of keep trying.
Well i think thats enough for now, im off to try to run through a high lvl area (well im lvl 50 and the areas 53 - 65) just so i can up my skill in herbalism.
take care all
On saturday dave and i had our 1 year anniversary, we went and wandered round the galleria and went and saw surfs up. After that we went home and got changed and then went out to Bella Italia for a meal. The food was gorgeous as was the present dave had saved to give me at the restaurant. Its hard to describe in words so a piccy will be taken. He also got me short circuit dvd and singstar rock ballads, as well as a world of warcraft calander. He also got me a smaller version of the big cuddle elephant i got him and its soo soft and cuddly :)
I went to psifa on the monday which was cool, even though i'd forgotten how to play magic a lil but it soon came back to me. After we got back we decided to watch Howls Moving Castle, which was cool, and as the norm with anime a bit strange. I did doze a lil during some bits as it was like half 12, and as we were watching it in japanese with subtitles meant i missed a lil but i got the jist i think. Didn't finish watching it til half 1, oops. Good job i didnt have to catch the train til half one on tues.
It was really hard to leave, although i didn't cry as much as the last time thankfully, but i was sad and i miss him soo much. I miss uni in general, and all of my friends as a fair few are still there. I'm thinking of going to visit for maybe a week if we do have a week off on my course for half term, coz i can fit it in around signing on.
On the job front, i have heard nothing from coffee#1 which sucks coz i could actually do that. I have an application for tescos up the road, and im applying for tchibo, so its a case of keep trying.
Well i think thats enough for now, im off to try to run through a high lvl area (well im lvl 50 and the areas 53 - 65) just so i can up my skill in herbalism.
take care all
Monday, October 01, 2007
Things are good(ish)
Well college started on thurs, and after 4 hrs of it i'm feeling positive about the course. It is interesting to study and practice the skills needed to be a counselor. last week we covered health and safety risks, and practiced how to construct and build a contract as it were with a client so that we are both safeguarded. Just been trying to do my homework for thurs and its more challenging than i first thought but its all good.
Been for an interview today at coffee#1, i think it went ok, and now im just waiting to see if they want to give me a trial shift. In many ways i do want a job, some income would be good and ok it'd only be a little more than jobseekers but every penny counts at the mo. It might mean that i get to spend less time visiting dave and everyone at uni tho and that is where my heart wants to be and not just coz of dave. I like the independence and at this exact moment im missing a psifa night, i will get to go to one maybe once a month but i loved the social life. Heck i miss alt nites (no matter what they try to change the name to) even tho the music did get a bit repetitive at times.
oh well least this weekend im seeing dave, just got a long thurs to get thru, coz not only do i have my course from 5 to 9 but i have to be up and in town for 10:40 for the jobseekers check up interview. Which means i need to be up at half 8 maybe earlier. Boy im gonna be tired by the time i get to college.
Roll on the weekend and mine and daves 1yr anniversary. Doesnt seem like its been a year.
take care all
Been for an interview today at coffee#1, i think it went ok, and now im just waiting to see if they want to give me a trial shift. In many ways i do want a job, some income would be good and ok it'd only be a little more than jobseekers but every penny counts at the mo. It might mean that i get to spend less time visiting dave and everyone at uni tho and that is where my heart wants to be and not just coz of dave. I like the independence and at this exact moment im missing a psifa night, i will get to go to one maybe once a month but i loved the social life. Heck i miss alt nites (no matter what they try to change the name to) even tho the music did get a bit repetitive at times.
oh well least this weekend im seeing dave, just got a long thurs to get thru, coz not only do i have my course from 5 to 9 but i have to be up and in town for 10:40 for the jobseekers check up interview. Which means i need to be up at half 8 maybe earlier. Boy im gonna be tired by the time i get to college.
Roll on the weekend and mine and daves 1yr anniversary. Doesnt seem like its been a year.
take care all
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Well the college still doesn't know if my course is being run tonight or thursday. I've got to ring them up in soon. If it is today i need to be ready by half 2 and they said i should ring back at 2, heres hoping i dont get put on hold and shunted about departments again. I'm kinda hoping for thursday and i suspect it will be but we'll see. If it is thursday then thats good coz i have time to prepare an i won't be rushed. Also im hoping the psifa film night is then so that then dave and i will both be busy on thurs and we won't miss each other too much. Least when i start i'll have something to ground me and keep me focused, stop me moping hopefully but i'll probably still mope but a lil less.
On the plus side in a week and 2 days i get ot go see dave, and we get to have a date out to a very nice restaurant :) also hopefully see a few other mates and maybe go to psifa. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and it will be fun, shame in some ways that i have to come home. but oh well its only like this til june. that sounds so far away and so not at the same time. Hopefully it'll go quickly once me and dave are both studying.
On the job front theres a few in town, im applying to coffee 1 again, oh joy. Theres a few xmas jobs and ill see if they will affect my jobseekers 2m. Also a temp job in peacocks but i will look again 2m when i sign on and see if i have any hope.
tis all for now, off to ring the college again *sigh*
On the plus side in a week and 2 days i get ot go see dave, and we get to have a date out to a very nice restaurant :) also hopefully see a few other mates and maybe go to psifa. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and it will be fun, shame in some ways that i have to come home. but oh well its only like this til june. that sounds so far away and so not at the same time. Hopefully it'll go quickly once me and dave are both studying.
On the job front theres a few in town, im applying to coffee 1 again, oh joy. Theres a few xmas jobs and ill see if they will affect my jobseekers 2m. Also a temp job in peacocks but i will look again 2m when i sign on and see if i have any hope.
tis all for now, off to ring the college again *sigh*
Friday, September 21, 2007
Some thoughts
Well ive been back home over a week now and i'm still missing dave. Hes got the internet now though so talking to each other is easier, hooray for skype. I am worried that he'll be to busy sitting at his pc to remember his friends and to go and have fun with them. I do feel like a distrction from uni life, even though he said that its ok. This ldr will be hard, specially as im trying to visit once a month but its only for a year, well til he finishes uni. Its weird knowing that he'll go to psifa and he's living with mates and im not there. Im also gonna miss psifa although i will go when i can. Him going to uni has had an impact on the ldr, which hasnt been helped by me feeling lonely as most of my mates are still at uni. I think that once he settles down when his course starts then ok i wont be able to play WoW with him all day but i'll know when im likely to see him online.
Aside from that jobs are thin on the ground altho the temp jobs for xmas should start appearing soon. I'm hopefully off to town later today even if the weather does look naff. Dad said that peacocks needed someone and im gonna try for coffee#1 again.
Tweekie our dog is poorly altho to look at her this minute you wouldn't think it. Shes needs to tablets a day and its up to me as mum and dad are in bruges (well later today they wil be), they spent last night in belgium. They took the train as mums not keen on flying. I hope they have a good time and mum doesn't push dad in a canal like she said she might.
I'd better go medicate the dog, put some proper clothes on (a dressing gown is not suitable for job hunting) and go to town before it starts tipping down with rain (good luck to me it is wales after all :P)
Aside from that jobs are thin on the ground altho the temp jobs for xmas should start appearing soon. I'm hopefully off to town later today even if the weather does look naff. Dad said that peacocks needed someone and im gonna try for coffee#1 again.
Tweekie our dog is poorly altho to look at her this minute you wouldn't think it. Shes needs to tablets a day and its up to me as mum and dad are in bruges (well later today they wil be), they spent last night in belgium. They took the train as mums not keen on flying. I hope they have a good time and mum doesn't push dad in a canal like she said she might.
I'd better go medicate the dog, put some proper clothes on (a dressing gown is not suitable for job hunting) and go to town before it starts tipping down with rain (good luck to me it is wales after all :P)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Weddings, university and life
Ok its been awhile since my last proper blog, oops. Lets see whats happened then,
on the 1st sept my best mate rach got married and i was one of her bridesmaids and it was a great day if knackering. SHe looked so gorgeous but then she said me and em did too. Well i'll let you decide, the pics will be on facebook soon once i've nicked them off the pc downstairs. My bf took some of them and we were using my mums camera.
From then til the 5th me and dave were making the most of being together and also packing to go back to uni. On the 5th we made the long journey back to hatfield by train, also the underground was not fully working and i now have a dislike off the bakerloo line and its many steps, we had six bags/suitcases between us and it was not fun. We got to hatfield tho and all was good. The rest of daves stuff turned up on sat and hes pretty much unpacked all by now. I think me and him could have had more quality alone time but we would have felt rude coz anna was the only one there til the other 2 boys showed up on sunday. They don't have the internet yet but i hope they sort it soon.
I returned home yesterday as today is sign on day yippee. I had got used to saying goodbye to dave but this time i was crying 2 days before i left. I think its because i know that hes going to have psifa to go to and hes got all his friends there. Most of my friends are there too and i feel so detached coz im far away. I feel im missing things with dave, that there are moments we cant share coz of the distance, makes me a lil sad. That and if i do get a job then my once a month visits that im planning will be short and sweet. They would be for 2 -3 days rather than 5 which sucks but i do need the money more. Its made me realise how hard this year is gonna be and how i feel like a part of me is missing because dave is so far away.
oh well, the sooner i get on with it the better, time will fly, it should do its daves final year and it won't be long til he'll prob come to visit and not leave. Its likely, and would be nice, just don't know what mum and dad would say hmm.
I think thats enough for now.
on the 1st sept my best mate rach got married and i was one of her bridesmaids and it was a great day if knackering. SHe looked so gorgeous but then she said me and em did too. Well i'll let you decide, the pics will be on facebook soon once i've nicked them off the pc downstairs. My bf took some of them and we were using my mums camera.
From then til the 5th me and dave were making the most of being together and also packing to go back to uni. On the 5th we made the long journey back to hatfield by train, also the underground was not fully working and i now have a dislike off the bakerloo line and its many steps, we had six bags/suitcases between us and it was not fun. We got to hatfield tho and all was good. The rest of daves stuff turned up on sat and hes pretty much unpacked all by now. I think me and him could have had more quality alone time but we would have felt rude coz anna was the only one there til the other 2 boys showed up on sunday. They don't have the internet yet but i hope they sort it soon.
I returned home yesterday as today is sign on day yippee. I had got used to saying goodbye to dave but this time i was crying 2 days before i left. I think its because i know that hes going to have psifa to go to and hes got all his friends there. Most of my friends are there too and i feel so detached coz im far away. I feel im missing things with dave, that there are moments we cant share coz of the distance, makes me a lil sad. That and if i do get a job then my once a month visits that im planning will be short and sweet. They would be for 2 -3 days rather than 5 which sucks but i do need the money more. Its made me realise how hard this year is gonna be and how i feel like a part of me is missing because dave is so far away.
oh well, the sooner i get on with it the better, time will fly, it should do its daves final year and it won't be long til he'll prob come to visit and not leave. Its likely, and would be nice, just don't know what mum and dad would say hmm.
I think thats enough for now.
an quick update
i'm still alive, just been busy as daves was down, there was the wedding and then moving dave back to uni. Now things are back to normal i shall post a longer blog later, at the moment im getting ready to go sign on and then job hunt (wish me luck ha ha).
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
the weekend
well it started with going to town to meet rach and emma and get our hair done. W e had a trial for the wedding adnw e all looked lush afterwards. It was rachs hen party and a pamper party and meal had been planned. Well teh pamper party was fab, all 3 of us had back massages which i could have quit happily had bout 4 more of atleast, it was soo relaxing. Her mum and aunt had facials and were glowing afterwards. We all just wanted to sleep but we had a meal to get dolled up for. We went to a very nice local hotel for the meal, and the food was absolutely gorgeous. I had carrot and cumin soup, followed by lamb on creamy mash with a helping of cheesy leeks and chocolate mousse for pudding. It was filling but soo yummy.
After we had some tea we went back to the house, where bob marley was put on some dancing and games were played. We had pin teh dan on the egyptian which was something to see. Then questions and forfeits were done. Basically if rach got a qu wrong she did a forfeit but if she got it right one of us did a forfiet. Also those doing a forfeit had to wear a cleopatra wig. Oe of the forfiets which i dont think will ever be forgotten was "start every sentence with I'm wearing (nsert colour here) pants" Rachs mum ended up with that one which was just hilarious especially when things like "I'm wearing white pants and its not right" were said. It was just good fun. A quality do and one that ideas will be nicked form for emmas do no doubt and mine when i get there.
On my return home on sunday after a lovely sausage casserole at rachs, i found mum having a bit of a panic as rich and his gf had decided to join us for dinner, the dinning table had to be extended and a chair wiggled out under the table. There was also only 4 toblerone mousse to eat and five people for dinner, but that worked out in the end as one of us had birthday cake. Was a lovely meal and many tales from mine and richs childhood were recounted.
At about half nine i managed to speak to dave again, who hd sent me a free gift on facebook and a stealth message on skype. He'd missed me something chronic. I got to experience what he felt yesterday for a bit when he went to sheffield. It amazing how knowing atleast that their on/near thier pc can make them not seem so far away.
Well daves turning up 2m yays and ive got him for atleast a week and a half maybe a bit more if i go back to hatfield with him.
I think thats enough for now
After we had some tea we went back to the house, where bob marley was put on some dancing and games were played. We had pin teh dan on the egyptian which was something to see. Then questions and forfeits were done. Basically if rach got a qu wrong she did a forfeit but if she got it right one of us did a forfiet. Also those doing a forfeit had to wear a cleopatra wig. Oe of the forfiets which i dont think will ever be forgotten was "start every sentence with I'm wearing (nsert colour here) pants" Rachs mum ended up with that one which was just hilarious especially when things like "I'm wearing white pants and its not right" were said. It was just good fun. A quality do and one that ideas will be nicked form for emmas do no doubt and mine when i get there.
On my return home on sunday after a lovely sausage casserole at rachs, i found mum having a bit of a panic as rich and his gf had decided to join us for dinner, the dinning table had to be extended and a chair wiggled out under the table. There was also only 4 toblerone mousse to eat and five people for dinner, but that worked out in the end as one of us had birthday cake. Was a lovely meal and many tales from mine and richs childhood were recounted.
At about half nine i managed to speak to dave again, who hd sent me a free gift on facebook and a stealth message on skype. He'd missed me something chronic. I got to experience what he felt yesterday for a bit when he went to sheffield. It amazing how knowing atleast that their on/near thier pc can make them not seem so far away.
Well daves turning up 2m yays and ive got him for atleast a week and a half maybe a bit more if i go back to hatfield with him.
I think thats enough for now
Monday, August 13, 2007
Well yesterday i just picked up a pencila and started drawing, i was bored and theres always a stack of paper on my desk for KOS (kill on sight list for WoW) and workign out how much money i don't have. Yesterday tho i was taken with an urge to draw, i didnt know what but a quick google search gave me some ideas. I drew a cute thing for dave, a teddy bear, eeyore, a rose, grr, attempted a turtle and a pic of me and dave cutsey style. Well i tried and some arent bad, and i enjoyed doing it. It was relaxing and creative, and i liked it, normally my relaxation is games or books or a walk if its nice. I've been wanting to do something creative for awhile and it was nice to find something i could do with little prep. I do occasionally try to do a bit of creative writing but that requires my mind to be in the right place and it hasn't been there for a bit.
I'm hoping i keep drawing, the sweet things i do for dave often rely on others (except the cooking i suppose) and it would be nice if one day the picture in my head that i would like to see on paper i could actually draw. Maybe one day.
Aside form that im not back at my local docs officially, im still jobless but as in my previous blog im hopeful, as my overdraft gets less more option become available, learning to drive being one. Dad has always said that he would pay for half so we're working on a buy one get one free type of scheme from my perspective. I buy a lesson and then the next ones dads to pay. Now to find a driving instructor. Least its cheaper here than it would have been at uni. I'm gonna try for a lesson a week to start with.
Other than that not much else is going on.
I'm hoping i keep drawing, the sweet things i do for dave often rely on others (except the cooking i suppose) and it would be nice if one day the picture in my head that i would like to see on paper i could actually draw. Maybe one day.
Aside form that im not back at my local docs officially, im still jobless but as in my previous blog im hopeful, as my overdraft gets less more option become available, learning to drive being one. Dad has always said that he would pay for half so we're working on a buy one get one free type of scheme from my perspective. I buy a lesson and then the next ones dads to pay. Now to find a driving instructor. Least its cheaper here than it would have been at uni. I'm gonna try for a lesson a week to start with.
Other than that not much else is going on.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Well today has seen a rise in my spirits, im not feeling as hopeless as i have been. I've started writing my CV and ive just been thinking about my career path a little more positively. I know that i will be skint for like the next 5 years while i get the qualifications and experience i need but i know it will be worth it. Having had counselling myself i know that it will be worth the effort if i can go on to help people get past their problems
I get the feeling that i will be doing a fair bit of voluntary work in the next few years and its just a case of me getting to the point where i can do it and not be too worried about finances. I keep trying for part time /full time jobs in town, my latest attempt will be holland and barrats once my cv is done. My best bet is a part time job as hopefully if my interview goes well on the 24th i'll be studying counselling skills and practice part time at a local college. I'm looking forward to it as i'll finally be able to sink my teeth into the topic that i have wanted to study for ages. I love psychology and it fascinates me and counselling is another step along it.
Sometimes i wonder if i'm really cut out for counselling, most of my friends either think i'll be great at it or can definitely see me doing it. Hopefully doing the part time course will help me either decide its not right or alay my fears and make me realise my true potential. I've also been considering subscribing to a publication called Therapy Today, which as far as i've looked is one of the few dedicated to counsellors and psychotherapists. I could get that and a journal for free if i join the BACP. Either way at the moment its money i don't have but its def in the pipeline.
I've had a positive day overall and i hope it continues, i'm thinikng of starting driving lessons soonish which also makes me feel happier. I can just about get one a week depending on what i do. Its not much but its a start and thats better than nothing.
I get the feeling that i will be doing a fair bit of voluntary work in the next few years and its just a case of me getting to the point where i can do it and not be too worried about finances. I keep trying for part time /full time jobs in town, my latest attempt will be holland and barrats once my cv is done. My best bet is a part time job as hopefully if my interview goes well on the 24th i'll be studying counselling skills and practice part time at a local college. I'm looking forward to it as i'll finally be able to sink my teeth into the topic that i have wanted to study for ages. I love psychology and it fascinates me and counselling is another step along it.
Sometimes i wonder if i'm really cut out for counselling, most of my friends either think i'll be great at it or can definitely see me doing it. Hopefully doing the part time course will help me either decide its not right or alay my fears and make me realise my true potential. I've also been considering subscribing to a publication called Therapy Today, which as far as i've looked is one of the few dedicated to counsellors and psychotherapists. I could get that and a journal for free if i join the BACP. Either way at the moment its money i don't have but its def in the pipeline.
I've had a positive day overall and i hope it continues, i'm thinikng of starting driving lessons soonish which also makes me feel happier. I can just about get one a week depending on what i do. Its not much but its a start and thats better than nothing.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Well they suck really, unless your an uber individual person i suppose. Im not, im a cuddly watching dvds type and its just not the same when your boyfriends 200 miles away. I can handle i just dont actually want to. One of lifes annoying necessities. Its hard to be so far apart, i mean yes we skype everyday and play WoW and guildwars together and that but you can have too much of it. Some nights we rarely say much to each other and if im feeling down it makes me less likely to say anything anyway. I feel tied to my pc just coz in a way it feels like im closer to him even if i do get bored of the internet.
This is one reason why i really want a job/course to break up the routine. Then that would be routine as well but least id be getting out more and maybe different things would happen. I know that in a year we'll try to be together atleast, don't know how successful thats gonna be though. its a long and hard road to where we want to be and i know its worth it but occasionally it gets you down and you wonder why.
I think the hardest part is when we say goodbye and i don't know when i'll see him again, least when i know i can start a countdown. Not knowing seems to make the time drag on for longer, making it harder still.
Just a reflection of whats in my thoughts at the mo, just got to keep looking to the future.
This is one reason why i really want a job/course to break up the routine. Then that would be routine as well but least id be getting out more and maybe different things would happen. I know that in a year we'll try to be together atleast, don't know how successful thats gonna be though. its a long and hard road to where we want to be and i know its worth it but occasionally it gets you down and you wonder why.
I think the hardest part is when we say goodbye and i don't know when i'll see him again, least when i know i can start a countdown. Not knowing seems to make the time drag on for longer, making it harder still.
Just a reflection of whats in my thoughts at the mo, just got to keep looking to the future.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
missing things
lately its sunk in what being at home is like, not that its a bad thing its just i miss being at uni and being independent. Its nice seeing mum and dad and that but i think since ive had a taste of independence i want it more now, i kinda like having a place to call my own and strangly enough i like doing household things. It adds some routine to my day, at uni i was always thinking - well after this lecture ill have to go home take the laundry out and do the dishes before dinner etc etc. Now at home im thinking - what game shall i play or what dvd to watch. i do still have laundry to worry about but not as often now.
I miss psifa loads as well, all the guys just playing magic the gathering or whatever and sharing foods and having a laugh and watching films and what we've found on youtube. Uni had its up and downs but i really enjoyed it and its sad to know that ill only be a visitor from now on, atleast at hertfordshire.
Due to me being at uni for 3 years i now have to reregistar with the docs which is a pain, but if i dont do it now ill have to do it later and as i need a repeat prescription its best to do it now, even if i do have to go into town 3 times in the space of a week. That scarily enough is the highlight of the week. least it gets me out of the house.
I miss psifa loads as well, all the guys just playing magic the gathering or whatever and sharing foods and having a laugh and watching films and what we've found on youtube. Uni had its up and downs but i really enjoyed it and its sad to know that ill only be a visitor from now on, atleast at hertfordshire.
Due to me being at uni for 3 years i now have to reregistar with the docs which is a pain, but if i dont do it now ill have to do it later and as i need a repeat prescription its best to do it now, even if i do have to go into town 3 times in the space of a week. That scarily enough is the highlight of the week. least it gets me out of the house.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Well daves gone back to donny again and won't be back til the end of the month, i wasn't as sad as last time, i know i'll see him soon enough and i need to get used to it really. Once hes back at uni i have no idea how often i'll get to see him, im hoping i can visit once a month but that depends on having a job/money.
Still a lack of jobs going in town, and the card shop have yet to get back to me but hopefully they will. The websites the job centre aren't as helpful as i'd like, i'd be alright if i wanted to move away and could afford to but that wasn't in the plan. I am looking into more local volunteeering options but i think ive become too disconnected from here in a way. Oh well we'll just see what happens.
I'm tired mainly coz of early mornings and late nights, i live in hope of a lie in, even if it would make me feel naff. My days seem so empty and lacking of late and i wish i had more creative hobbies although there is one now i think of it that maybe i'll take up again. I'll save that for another day tho.
Roll on the end of the month when dave pops back and theres rachels wedding to look forward to. Its gonna be good even if at the mo the makeup is a lil up in the air but that can easily be sorted, at the end of the day we can always do it ourselves.
I'm currently making my way through the 6th harry potter book and hopefully 2m i will be starting the 7th book at last. My hours on WoW will probably go up this week since daves left. I could probably waffle on a lil more but im not feeling 100% at the mo.
Still a lack of jobs going in town, and the card shop have yet to get back to me but hopefully they will. The websites the job centre aren't as helpful as i'd like, i'd be alright if i wanted to move away and could afford to but that wasn't in the plan. I am looking into more local volunteeering options but i think ive become too disconnected from here in a way. Oh well we'll just see what happens.
I'm tired mainly coz of early mornings and late nights, i live in hope of a lie in, even if it would make me feel naff. My days seem so empty and lacking of late and i wish i had more creative hobbies although there is one now i think of it that maybe i'll take up again. I'll save that for another day tho.
Roll on the end of the month when dave pops back and theres rachels wedding to look forward to. Its gonna be good even if at the mo the makeup is a lil up in the air but that can easily be sorted, at the end of the day we can always do it ourselves.
I'm currently making my way through the 6th harry potter book and hopefully 2m i will be starting the 7th book at last. My hours on WoW will probably go up this week since daves left. I could probably waffle on a lil more but im not feeling 100% at the mo.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Fed Up
Well i'm still jobless, and theres very little going in town. Its doing my head in only leaving the house to sign on or if dads going to town. I got kinda used to going out to psifa and the like at uni and to be stuck i all the time sucks. Also the weathers been rotten so i haven't been able to go for all the walks i like to, does mean i've had plenty of time to play WoW although that may not be a healthy thing.
I've managed to read a few books, Who Me? by Jenny sullivan, a collection of comic tales of fantasy, Neil Gaimans Neverwhere. I've still got phillip pullmans His dark materials, 2 ben elton books and numerous others that are sitting on my shelves, several of which are my parents which have been recommended. That should keep me quiet for a bit and break up the gaming nicely.
The job centre did give me a list of websites to look at but to no avail at the moment although i have not looked through them all yet. I am applying for a part time job in a card shop but yet again the references are a sticking point, why do they insist on wanting previous employers and why did mine have to go and shut down :(
Not much else has happened, oh the bank has taken away my interest free overdraft now which is just great, lets here it for their graduate service. It'd be alrite if i paid them 9.95 a month but i cant really afford to. The really annoying thing is that they only changed thier standard graduate service this year, if id graduted before may i'd still be fine and interest free, argh its annoying.
Anywho thats enough blogging for one day.
I've managed to read a few books, Who Me? by Jenny sullivan, a collection of comic tales of fantasy, Neil Gaimans Neverwhere. I've still got phillip pullmans His dark materials, 2 ben elton books and numerous others that are sitting on my shelves, several of which are my parents which have been recommended. That should keep me quiet for a bit and break up the gaming nicely.
The job centre did give me a list of websites to look at but to no avail at the moment although i have not looked through them all yet. I am applying for a part time job in a card shop but yet again the references are a sticking point, why do they insist on wanting previous employers and why did mine have to go and shut down :(
Not much else has happened, oh the bank has taken away my interest free overdraft now which is just great, lets here it for their graduate service. It'd be alrite if i paid them 9.95 a month but i cant really afford to. The really annoying thing is that they only changed thier standard graduate service this year, if id graduted before may i'd still be fine and interest free, argh its annoying.
Anywho thats enough blogging for one day.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Its late and here we are
Well i now have an interview at the college at the end of august so heres hoping it goes well. If it does i will be a small step closer to the job i have wanted to do since i was 14, even if i didn't know what it was then.
As a plus note today, one of daves grades got put up to a pass which is always good. Hes coming to wisit in two weeks and i can't wait to see him. Its only been a week and i miss him soo much. I'm coping better than i was though, not so many tears anymore. Been trying to keep myself busy, been playing too much WoW as my xfire profile shows well, also been watching firefly and am half way through now. Got my amazon rental dvds to watch and now that my Wii is set up i'm hoping to complete zelda at some point.
My room has now been tidied to pretty much teh state it will remain in til i leave. This is mainly due to having too much stuff, But i'm sentimental at times and i've chucked at least 3 bin bags worth of stuff out already. Also when dave visits im not sure where hes going to sleep as i cannot be bothered to unfold the futon, that and its so uncomfy that we may as well sleep on the floor.
Thats bout it for now, i'm ready for bed so i will go read a little and then sleep.
As a plus note today, one of daves grades got put up to a pass which is always good. Hes coming to wisit in two weeks and i can't wait to see him. Its only been a week and i miss him soo much. I'm coping better than i was though, not so many tears anymore. Been trying to keep myself busy, been playing too much WoW as my xfire profile shows well, also been watching firefly and am half way through now. Got my amazon rental dvds to watch and now that my Wii is set up i'm hoping to complete zelda at some point.
My room has now been tidied to pretty much teh state it will remain in til i leave. This is mainly due to having too much stuff, But i'm sentimental at times and i've chucked at least 3 bin bags worth of stuff out already. Also when dave visits im not sure where hes going to sleep as i cannot be bothered to unfold the futon, that and its so uncomfy that we may as well sleep on the floor.
Thats bout it for now, i'm ready for bed so i will go read a little and then sleep.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Well its official
I have a 2:2 BSc (Hons) psychology degree and i'm unemployed. Oh joys, well the degrees good, just wish i had some decent money coming in. Jobseekers finally gave me some so i'm not as in debt as i was but my WoW subscription does come out this month :( ans as you can tell from my xfire profile (for those on facebook use the link to get to my blog proper) i've been playing far too much.
Aside from that the planned trip to manchester for make up trials for my mates wedding has been cancelled, which sucks but is not the end of the world. Hopefully me and her can meet up at some point soon, i'll go mad just staying in this house, with only skyping dave and msn to keep me sane. Not that i can afford to do anything else mind but oh well.
Another thing is that dad has with my permission put me in to do a course at a local college on counselling skills. This would probably help me in the long run altho i am worried how much it will cost and when i will be doing it if all goes well and they let me. Its all up in the air at the mo, but hopefully something will come up.
Not much else has been happening really, just been chilling, getting bored on the internet and currently deciding what to watch while dave is offline coz hes worried about a storm thier having in Donny. Maybe some firefly, i dunno.
Aside from that the planned trip to manchester for make up trials for my mates wedding has been cancelled, which sucks but is not the end of the world. Hopefully me and her can meet up at some point soon, i'll go mad just staying in this house, with only skyping dave and msn to keep me sane. Not that i can afford to do anything else mind but oh well.
Another thing is that dad has with my permission put me in to do a course at a local college on counselling skills. This would probably help me in the long run altho i am worried how much it will cost and when i will be doing it if all goes well and they let me. Its all up in the air at the mo, but hopefully something will come up.
Not much else has been happening really, just been chilling, getting bored on the internet and currently deciding what to watch while dave is offline coz hes worried about a storm thier having in Donny. Maybe some firefly, i dunno.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A reflection maybe
Well since my last post i have turned 21, who would have believed it, i still don't. It was a great birthday, went out for a lovely meal with the family, meet richards girlfriend. The food was lovely and the pudding was gorgeous, it was meringue with cream and ice cream and banana and a toffee sauce, yum. I rather enjoyed it and it was nice to see my bro again.
Dave who is staying with me at the moment has had to stay a little longer than expected due to flooding in doncaster which means him getting home is a challenge. So he is thinking of leaving next thurs altho he'd prefer to stay with me all summer but that would not earn him any money. Its nice him still being here, i'm going to miss him soo much when he leaves. He has bought me a large cuddly toy to hug when hes gone and if i figure out how i'll put a piccy up :P (for those on facebook it'll get put up there).
Also my provisional results have been published on studynet (the uni internet portal for students thing) and i got all C's this year, a C1 for my dissertation which i'm proud of. This means that i should get a 2:2 overall and i'm chuffed with that, a 2:1 would have given me a better chance at my masters but if i do relevant work experience then it should be ok.
It's been weird being back home and i don't think it'll sink in til sept when dave leaves to got to uni, hes popping back at the beginning of sept to go to a wedding with me, thats when i think it'll hit me that im no longer a student and that will be weird. I had a good time at uni, made some excellent friends, who i will make an effort to keep in touch with. (Liz next year i'm going to cook you a meal, ive tried your cakes and now you can try my mains) I will be popping back to uni as dave is there and hes living with anna and that, hopefully i'll get to see liz too. I will miss uni and everything that goes with it, part of me wants to go straight to my masters but i think that the time out will be good for me, will be better when i get a job but thats going to be a challenge in itself but hopefully something will turn up.
On another note, we went to ikea on wed and it was fun, well i got a new desk, the sink mum and dad want was in the sale altho that caused no end of trouble, dad had to go back thurs to pick it up coz they tried to give us 2 wrong sinks and then told us it was in the self serve area of the warehouse but they needed the forklift which can't be used in the self serve area when there are customers in the store. oh boy. But we do have the right sink now and my desk is good, my printer will finally get to live on a shelf, its not gonna be on the desk as its too fat but due to the way my room i now there is a handy shelf for it to live on. I hate to say it but once daves gone the final touches can be made to my room, especially as the futon in bed form will go back to being a sofa and i will have floor space again. I've told him hes sleeping on the floor next time he comes, the futons way too much effort.
I think thats about it for now, i'm off to be sad and play a lil WoW while i wait for dave to get up, i might play a lil cabal instead, hmm.
Dave who is staying with me at the moment has had to stay a little longer than expected due to flooding in doncaster which means him getting home is a challenge. So he is thinking of leaving next thurs altho he'd prefer to stay with me all summer but that would not earn him any money. Its nice him still being here, i'm going to miss him soo much when he leaves. He has bought me a large cuddly toy to hug when hes gone and if i figure out how i'll put a piccy up :P (for those on facebook it'll get put up there).
Also my provisional results have been published on studynet (the uni internet portal for students thing) and i got all C's this year, a C1 for my dissertation which i'm proud of. This means that i should get a 2:2 overall and i'm chuffed with that, a 2:1 would have given me a better chance at my masters but if i do relevant work experience then it should be ok.
It's been weird being back home and i don't think it'll sink in til sept when dave leaves to got to uni, hes popping back at the beginning of sept to go to a wedding with me, thats when i think it'll hit me that im no longer a student and that will be weird. I had a good time at uni, made some excellent friends, who i will make an effort to keep in touch with. (Liz next year i'm going to cook you a meal, ive tried your cakes and now you can try my mains) I will be popping back to uni as dave is there and hes living with anna and that, hopefully i'll get to see liz too. I will miss uni and everything that goes with it, part of me wants to go straight to my masters but i think that the time out will be good for me, will be better when i get a job but thats going to be a challenge in itself but hopefully something will turn up.
On another note, we went to ikea on wed and it was fun, well i got a new desk, the sink mum and dad want was in the sale altho that caused no end of trouble, dad had to go back thurs to pick it up coz they tried to give us 2 wrong sinks and then told us it was in the self serve area of the warehouse but they needed the forklift which can't be used in the self serve area when there are customers in the store. oh boy. But we do have the right sink now and my desk is good, my printer will finally get to live on a shelf, its not gonna be on the desk as its too fat but due to the way my room i now there is a handy shelf for it to live on. I hate to say it but once daves gone the final touches can be made to my room, especially as the futon in bed form will go back to being a sofa and i will have floor space again. I've told him hes sleeping on the floor next time he comes, the futons way too much effort.
I think thats about it for now, i'm off to be sad and play a lil WoW while i wait for dave to get up, i might play a lil cabal instead, hmm.
Friday, June 22, 2007
well its been a week
Well my room is tidy, just need to get rid of the empty boxes. It just about all fits in, although i found out i have more shoes than i remember. My pc is set up but not on the network as of yet as i have been told two different vesions of the password although i think the one my bro told me today might just be right, i will try it out later to see. fingers crossed coz then not only can i blog more, i can play WoW and cabal online now that is has free to play accounts.
I still havent finished filling in an application form as im stuck as to who to put as references, its always a sticking point especially as i havent had a job for 3 years and the last place i worked no longer exists. oh dear. my tutors and that at uni have probably all run away and probably would say no anyway although i am trying.
That aside things are good, i should get some money next week as i got a letter yesterday saying that the jobseekers claim had gone through so now its just a matter of time.
Tomorrow is my birthday which i'm looking forward to although im not expecting much, a nice family meal would be nice but i havent been let in on the plans yet what a surprise.
Yesterday went to cardiff to meet up with anna and go to techniquest. Was good fun even if it was full of schoolkids. Got a few bits and pieces from the giftshop, dave got my a bracelet that is very nice. Then did a bit of shopping in town, dave got a memory card so he can take hes ffxii save home with him. I got another filmore jigsaw puzzle, so many things in the disney store i like but cannot afford. They had a nice sized sticth cuddly toy but he was £14 so he had to stay there and i shall just have to live with my small one i have. Twas a tiring day and then to end it had a bad tummy so went to be bout 11.
Thats bout all for now, off to look at cuddly eeyore with dave on eBay, he was gonna buy one yesterday when we went to cardiff but £40 was a bit much, but it would be nice to have a big cuddly toy to hug once hes gone :(
I still havent finished filling in an application form as im stuck as to who to put as references, its always a sticking point especially as i havent had a job for 3 years and the last place i worked no longer exists. oh dear. my tutors and that at uni have probably all run away and probably would say no anyway although i am trying.
That aside things are good, i should get some money next week as i got a letter yesterday saying that the jobseekers claim had gone through so now its just a matter of time.
Tomorrow is my birthday which i'm looking forward to although im not expecting much, a nice family meal would be nice but i havent been let in on the plans yet what a surprise.
Yesterday went to cardiff to meet up with anna and go to techniquest. Was good fun even if it was full of schoolkids. Got a few bits and pieces from the giftshop, dave got my a bracelet that is very nice. Then did a bit of shopping in town, dave got a memory card so he can take hes ffxii save home with him. I got another filmore jigsaw puzzle, so many things in the disney store i like but cannot afford. They had a nice sized sticth cuddly toy but he was £14 so he had to stay there and i shall just have to live with my small one i have. Twas a tiring day and then to end it had a bad tummy so went to be bout 11.
Thats bout all for now, off to look at cuddly eeyore with dave on eBay, he was gonna buy one yesterday when we went to cardiff but £40 was a bit much, but it would be nice to have a big cuddly toy to hug once hes gone :(
Friday, June 15, 2007
And calm
Well nearly, my room is definitly nearly livable in, only a few boxes left to go, i can reach all parts of my room now which is good. As far as jobs go, i still haven't got one, will be applying for one thought and i will be on jobseekers once its gone through. The bank said no to extending my overdraft funnily enough even though it should have gone up to £1500 in my third year anyway. Thier reviewing it in july/august anyway and it may be put up then as it will automatically become a graduate account.
Things are not so argh now, and once i get my new desk then all will be good and i can set up my pc finally and won't have to borrow the family one, my email checking ocd can return yay, also need to put the games consoles somewhere to i suppose.
Other than that not much happening, am going to techniquest next thurs yay, and maybe watching a film after but depends on if we can drag dave out of techniquest.
thats all for now :)
Things are not so argh now, and once i get my new desk then all will be good and i can set up my pc finally and won't have to borrow the family one, my email checking ocd can return yay, also need to put the games consoles somewhere to i suppose.
Other than that not much happening, am going to techniquest next thurs yay, and maybe watching a film after but depends on if we can drag dave out of techniquest.
thats all for now :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I'll try to keep it brief and concise but no promises.
Now i'm tired and i have to be up in the mornign to go run arouns town, yay.
- I am looking for a job, which i need to learn to drive and now i've found out, upgrade my bank account to a graduate one.
- My room is not yet livable in except to sleep, 2 rooms stuff into 1 room = nightmare.
- I have to go the job centre 2m as well as a small list of other things which means 2m is busy and my room will stay unpacked til the end of the week no doubt.
- The bps are smelly as they won't let me join unless i get 2 other graduate or higher members to sign my form, which means travelling which i can't afford.
- Part from that things are good, and yay.
- The world sucks as money is too essential to living. I'm prob only saying that as i have none but still, it sucks.
Now i'm tired and i have to be up in the mornign to go run arouns town, yay.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Fed up
My house is a tip, and yes it is partly my fault but still, the kitchen floor was a state as were the work surfaces. i've just finished cleaning them as well as the hob. I'm going no where near the oven tho. I'm just fed up of the constant mess, maybe i'm just meh as its my last week here i don't know. Also i have to be prepared for a bbq 2m and my landlord hasn't dropped the lawnmower round yet. Maybe the heats getting to me. Argh, i just want a tidy house that i can slob in.
On the plus side we have some boxes from asda to pack stuff in which is handy, daves out at the galleria trying to find gaffa tape so they don't fall apart. I just want to chill out and play harvest moon or one of the other many games i must complete. Also doing alot of laundry while its nice.
As may be obvious my thoughts are all over the place and i just want to curl in a ball somewhere but i can't. hopefully once i've finished tidying and helping dave pack i should feel a bit better, i hope so.
Anyway i should go sort the living room out, daves hoovering it when he gets back.
On the plus side we have some boxes from asda to pack stuff in which is handy, daves out at the galleria trying to find gaffa tape so they don't fall apart. I just want to chill out and play harvest moon or one of the other many games i must complete. Also doing alot of laundry while its nice.
As may be obvious my thoughts are all over the place and i just want to curl in a ball somewhere but i can't. hopefully once i've finished tidying and helping dave pack i should feel a bit better, i hope so.
Anyway i should go sort the living room out, daves hoovering it when he gets back.
Friday, June 01, 2007
I'm finished
Well i had my last exam yesterday - went ok i think although maybe not as good as the others. But we'll see sometime after mid june according to studynet.
Now i'm free to be a proper student fo a week before i return home. I'm having a few drinks with some mates to celebrate Annas birthday, we're starting at the ele (pub on campus) but as the summer ball is today the drinking may end up back at my house as i volunteered it. Tomorrow is a shopping and bowling trip to stevenage and if i'm not careful dave will spend far to much money, i dread to think how much my birthday pressies have cost so far, i know its atleast £35 as i know which necklace he was gonna buy me. Hopefully it'll be ok. I've hit my limit of £800 overdrawn so oops, thats been upped as i cant go a week without spending money, otherwise dave pays for everything and hes probably not going to be working as much as me (fingers crossed for me getting a job).
Sunday will be spent getting the food and booze for my bbq on monday - yay. I can't believe i'm gonna be 21 in 22 days, this last year has gone soo quick its unbelievable.
Next week after monday will be spent packing what i can, going to the park as i have a kite to fly - i'm such a child, and just generally not doing much. Oh and making sure anna doesn't loose her sanity, as only her and the 2 chinese students are left in her house on campus and they have decided to take over the kitchen and they leave it a mess so shes not happy.
Gonna get some boxes so that dave can pack - most of his stuffs going into storage so some sturdy plastic boxes are needed, the best we have tho is cheap shop boxes so they might just last the summer.
Anyway i've got things to do so i'd better do them - i need to tidy up before a bunch of physics/astrophysics descend on my house to get drunk.
Now i'm free to be a proper student fo a week before i return home. I'm having a few drinks with some mates to celebrate Annas birthday, we're starting at the ele (pub on campus) but as the summer ball is today the drinking may end up back at my house as i volunteered it. Tomorrow is a shopping and bowling trip to stevenage and if i'm not careful dave will spend far to much money, i dread to think how much my birthday pressies have cost so far, i know its atleast £35 as i know which necklace he was gonna buy me. Hopefully it'll be ok. I've hit my limit of £800 overdrawn so oops, thats been upped as i cant go a week without spending money, otherwise dave pays for everything and hes probably not going to be working as much as me (fingers crossed for me getting a job).
Sunday will be spent getting the food and booze for my bbq on monday - yay. I can't believe i'm gonna be 21 in 22 days, this last year has gone soo quick its unbelievable.
Next week after monday will be spent packing what i can, going to the park as i have a kite to fly - i'm such a child, and just generally not doing much. Oh and making sure anna doesn't loose her sanity, as only her and the 2 chinese students are left in her house on campus and they have decided to take over the kitchen and they leave it a mess so shes not happy.
Gonna get some boxes so that dave can pack - most of his stuffs going into storage so some sturdy plastic boxes are needed, the best we have tho is cheap shop boxes so they might just last the summer.
Anyway i've got things to do so i'd better do them - i need to tidy up before a bunch of physics/astrophysics descend on my house to get drunk.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Roll on November
I'm going to see the legend that is Bill Bailey in Cardiff on teh 25th nov, i can't wait, my bf is coming with me so yay its all good.
And this is what i do while killing time before an afternoon exam, will read the notes again before lunch not that im sure it'll help. On the plus side i'm not panicking, my friends have told me that i cna do it enough times that i think part of me believes them. That and i managed to get to the third year which would suggest i know something. Just a shame i seem to grasp topics better the year after i've done them. Also a shame i can't resit any of these exams :S
Least i'm prepared ish i just can't wait til thurs at around half 11 as it'll all be over then. The end of my undergraduate uni life (unless it all goes horrible wrong and i do another one in something else). It's weird coz i most of my friends are either staying here coz they are 1st/2nd years, are repeating modules or doing a master, go you liz :D, i kow alot of people i know on the course are leaving but i feel like a minority, like i'm the weird one coz i'm leaving. Strange.
That aside all is good, gettign drunk friday will be fun even if everyone may end up at mine depending on when the ele shuts, my overdraft is going to cry on sat (unless dave is feeling particualrly generous) with a shopping/bowling trip to stevenage. Least its only bout £3 to get there on the train.
I've got most of the supplies for the bbq on monday - just need food and maybe a tad more alcohol :)
Anyway, i'm off to read notes and try to remember how to speel names - e.g Dijkersthuis, couldn't have sensible names oh no.
And this is what i do while killing time before an afternoon exam, will read the notes again before lunch not that im sure it'll help. On the plus side i'm not panicking, my friends have told me that i cna do it enough times that i think part of me believes them. That and i managed to get to the third year which would suggest i know something. Just a shame i seem to grasp topics better the year after i've done them. Also a shame i can't resit any of these exams :S
Least i'm prepared ish i just can't wait til thurs at around half 11 as it'll all be over then. The end of my undergraduate uni life (unless it all goes horrible wrong and i do another one in something else). It's weird coz i most of my friends are either staying here coz they are 1st/2nd years, are repeating modules or doing a master, go you liz :D, i kow alot of people i know on the course are leaving but i feel like a minority, like i'm the weird one coz i'm leaving. Strange.
That aside all is good, gettign drunk friday will be fun even if everyone may end up at mine depending on when the ele shuts, my overdraft is going to cry on sat (unless dave is feeling particualrly generous) with a shopping/bowling trip to stevenage. Least its only bout £3 to get there on the train.
I've got most of the supplies for the bbq on monday - just need food and maybe a tad more alcohol :)
Anyway, i'm off to read notes and try to remember how to speel names - e.g Dijkersthuis, couldn't have sensible names oh no.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
response to my bro
yes i have heard of the outdoors, i went out tonite so ner (i do wander alot round hatfield when avoiding work - any excuse to go to asda).
Right got that out of my system, saw PotC 3 and it was cool, very flashy as one might expect from the third in a trilogy but enjoyable none the less.
Had my exam this morning and it went better than expected, it always worry me when i right 2 maybe 3 pages and everyone else has atleast 3 to 5 pages, i've managed to pass so far so fingers crossed.
My parents sent me an e-card which was wishing me good luck which was cool, altho mildy embarassing and teary at the same time especially as my bf and my mate anna were there to see too.
Not much else to report, the shopping list for my bbq is getting longer and more expensive (mainly due to us wanting one of every type of alcohol asda can offer). Now to invite enough people to it so dad doesn't fill the vvan with bottles alone :P
Think thats all for now.
Right got that out of my system, saw PotC 3 and it was cool, very flashy as one might expect from the third in a trilogy but enjoyable none the less.
Had my exam this morning and it went better than expected, it always worry me when i right 2 maybe 3 pages and everyone else has atleast 3 to 5 pages, i've managed to pass so far so fingers crossed.
My parents sent me an e-card which was wishing me good luck which was cool, altho mildy embarassing and teary at the same time especially as my bf and my mate anna were there to see too.
Not much else to report, the shopping list for my bbq is getting longer and more expensive (mainly due to us wanting one of every type of alcohol asda can offer). Now to invite enough people to it so dad doesn't fill the vvan with bottles alone :P
Think thats all for now.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Just a short note to say, you can now see how sad i am in regards to playing pc games as i've put my xfire miniprofile thing on my blog. Yay go me, and i've actuall probably played more WoW than that its just xfire wasn't open oops.
Well my 1st ones tomorrow and by next thursday i will have done all 3 and will no longer be a student. Its a scary prospect and part of me is sad to leave this part of my life, i've liked having my independence and i'm going to miss the friends i've made soo much. I'll try to keep in touch, with the internet its not as hard as it used to be.
Its scary to think that for the first time in 3 years im not 100% sure whats going to happen or where i'm going to end up. I have my ideal plan to do the masters, which i do hope i can do. But un til i either find a uni thats not expensive or far away or wants me to be 23 i have to work. I should have more luck now that i can do full time and won't dissappear at the end of the summer but some relevant work experience is needed and thats the challenging part. I know i'm not good with changes and major milestones but going from uni to work is one of them and hopefully all will go smoothly.
Its still strange to think i won't be coming back to hatfield - well not as a student anyway any more and it hasn't really sunk in yet, im sure when it comes to september when i stay in wales and my bf goes back to uni it will. Its a shame these thoughts have distracted me from revision altho i think i've managed to do more than usual and also more regularly than usual to. I still don't think im prepared for tomorrow, will do a bit more this afternoon, try and get a few more studies in my head. Tonight i'm going to psifa to relax before tomorrow. I'm not prepared at all fro thursdays and i can only waffle in regards to the stress exam on tues at the mo.
Lets hope it rains at the weekend, its cruel having nice weather adnd having to stay in and revise.
On a less serious note, im off to see pirates of the caribbean (sp?) tomorrow for my mates birthday, will be a nice way to unwind after the exam. After the 31st may lots of drinking, merriment and spending of the overdraft will occur, as theres a bbq to attend for my birthday, a shopping/bowling/cinema trip to stevenage where some gothic clothing maybe acquired now i know they have the indoor market place.
There is the challenge of packing yet to come, and i have to sort my room out so that all of daves stuff thats currently in it will not be in it when his parents come on the 9th to put most of his belongings in storage. I'm still not sure the plans for my return to wales as my mate anna needs a lift and dave is returning with me :S
This turned into a bit of a mini essay of a blog, but as i haven't done one for a bit and am not likely to til end of next week it seems justified.
Its scary to think that for the first time in 3 years im not 100% sure whats going to happen or where i'm going to end up. I have my ideal plan to do the masters, which i do hope i can do. But un til i either find a uni thats not expensive or far away or wants me to be 23 i have to work. I should have more luck now that i can do full time and won't dissappear at the end of the summer but some relevant work experience is needed and thats the challenging part. I know i'm not good with changes and major milestones but going from uni to work is one of them and hopefully all will go smoothly.
Its still strange to think i won't be coming back to hatfield - well not as a student anyway any more and it hasn't really sunk in yet, im sure when it comes to september when i stay in wales and my bf goes back to uni it will. Its a shame these thoughts have distracted me from revision altho i think i've managed to do more than usual and also more regularly than usual to. I still don't think im prepared for tomorrow, will do a bit more this afternoon, try and get a few more studies in my head. Tonight i'm going to psifa to relax before tomorrow. I'm not prepared at all fro thursdays and i can only waffle in regards to the stress exam on tues at the mo.
Lets hope it rains at the weekend, its cruel having nice weather adnd having to stay in and revise.
On a less serious note, im off to see pirates of the caribbean (sp?) tomorrow for my mates birthday, will be a nice way to unwind after the exam. After the 31st may lots of drinking, merriment and spending of the overdraft will occur, as theres a bbq to attend for my birthday, a shopping/bowling/cinema trip to stevenage where some gothic clothing maybe acquired now i know they have the indoor market place.
There is the challenge of packing yet to come, and i have to sort my room out so that all of daves stuff thats currently in it will not be in it when his parents come on the 9th to put most of his belongings in storage. I'm still not sure the plans for my return to wales as my mate anna needs a lift and dave is returning with me :S
This turned into a bit of a mini essay of a blog, but as i haven't done one for a bit and am not likely to til end of next week it seems justified.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Well thats what i'm supposed to be doing, its not going very well tho, but i'm trying.
The weekend was good, got some booster packs for the mirrodin and darksteel sets of Magic, got some tops and had a very nice meal when i met daves sister.
Was daves birthday yesterday and we went shopping, then in the evening we went to nando's which was cool, i tried some of my mates cheesecake and now im going back just for the puddings. We all went to the nearby arcade and i got dragged onto the dance machine with dave altho i did do better than him. Dave won some cute cuddly toys for pretty much all teh girls there so my desk now has atleast 4 smal furry things on it now.
My fat pack still hasn't turned up but fingers crossed for 2m, i swear the postmans forgotten bout our house.
Thats bout it for now, all that i can think of anyway. Need to go off and do dinner as we're meeting my mate at 7 and we need to be on time today.
The weekend was good, got some booster packs for the mirrodin and darksteel sets of Magic, got some tops and had a very nice meal when i met daves sister.
Was daves birthday yesterday and we went shopping, then in the evening we went to nando's which was cool, i tried some of my mates cheesecake and now im going back just for the puddings. We all went to the nearby arcade and i got dragged onto the dance machine with dave altho i did do better than him. Dave won some cute cuddly toys for pretty much all teh girls there so my desk now has atleast 4 smal furry things on it now.
My fat pack still hasn't turned up but fingers crossed for 2m, i swear the postmans forgotten bout our house.
Thats bout it for now, all that i can think of anyway. Need to go off and do dinner as we're meeting my mate at 7 and we need to be on time today.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Well i'm to the boyfrineds parents place again in doncaster surprisingly given the title, theres his birthday next week and his sisters boyfriedns 30th this sat so we're going up for the bbq thier having. Least the train journey is only bout 2 hrs unlike the 3 and a half it is to get home. Will give me a chance to finish reading Eldest at last, started it at xmas but i just don't feel like reading as much when im at uni which sucks.
This morning will be spent mostly packing, having a shower and chillin, dave has lectures til 1 so we're not getting the train til like half 2. I wasn't supposed to get up this early today but between my bladder and my bf it was hard not too, does give me more time to be organised and enjoy my morning cup of tea.
I got my Coldsnap fat pack yesterday, for those who don't know i play Magic the Gathering and Coldsnap was a block of cards they released.
Find out more here, http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/arcana/1083
Futuresight the most recent block was released yesterday and hopefully daves and mines fatpacks are in the post as i type. Theres a card shop in Doncaster that we might pop into to buy the theme decks and any other cards that take our fancy.
Anyway i'm off to make myself some tea and check my auction on WoW.
This morning will be spent mostly packing, having a shower and chillin, dave has lectures til 1 so we're not getting the train til like half 2. I wasn't supposed to get up this early today but between my bladder and my bf it was hard not too, does give me more time to be organised and enjoy my morning cup of tea.
I got my Coldsnap fat pack yesterday, for those who don't know i play Magic the Gathering and Coldsnap was a block of cards they released.
Find out more here, http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=mtgcom/arcana/1083
Futuresight the most recent block was released yesterday and hopefully daves and mines fatpacks are in the post as i type. Theres a card shop in Doncaster that we might pop into to buy the theme decks and any other cards that take our fancy.
Anyway i'm off to make myself some tea and check my auction on WoW.
Friday, April 27, 2007
And relax
Well the project has been handed in, 40 pages of research although whether it can get me a good grade is another matter. I don't find out til august i think.
I've had my last lecture ever, well i'm supposed to be there at 10 but i'm not going as its the revision lecture and i'll just fall asleep. On the plus side my last lecture was a revision lecture by my fav lecturer on a topic i really enjoy. Topics in forensic and criminal psyhcology. My mate liz was saying that she was aiming to do 4 hours of revision a day, which is an acheivable target for even the laziest students (and theres only so much WoW u can play) and compared to my usually revison technique (the week before the exam or gap inbetween exams) its gotta be a better plan. 3 exams and im no longer a student :S
I'm relaxing til monday tho, and tidying the house as due to me focussing on my project so much my room and the downstairs looks a bit of a mess. The living room has turned into a wardrobe and under the staris is a mess and the kitchen needs a good clean, and why on earth is carpet tiles a good idea in a kitchen - just a pain in the ass to clean. Have to hover it like every week,least on the wood floor at home just get the brush out, done. Hover - def too much effort considering the state hobs and surfaces get in sharing with 2 others (well 4 others if we include my bf and sam who stays 2/3 nights out of ever 7).
I now have season 2 of House to watch - yay, thanks to liz again for having some quality dvds, liz u rock and i'm gonna miss u next year.
I found out i don't have to leave til the 17th of june altho its likely i'll go back the 16th, as my dad has to pick me up and i think he'd prefer to spend fathers day chilling than being a long distance taxi.
Well i think thats enough rambling for now, back to my morning cup of tea and wandering the internet a bit.
I've had my last lecture ever, well i'm supposed to be there at 10 but i'm not going as its the revision lecture and i'll just fall asleep. On the plus side my last lecture was a revision lecture by my fav lecturer on a topic i really enjoy. Topics in forensic and criminal psyhcology. My mate liz was saying that she was aiming to do 4 hours of revision a day, which is an acheivable target for even the laziest students (and theres only so much WoW u can play) and compared to my usually revison technique (the week before the exam or gap inbetween exams) its gotta be a better plan. 3 exams and im no longer a student :S
I'm relaxing til monday tho, and tidying the house as due to me focussing on my project so much my room and the downstairs looks a bit of a mess. The living room has turned into a wardrobe and under the staris is a mess and the kitchen needs a good clean, and why on earth is carpet tiles a good idea in a kitchen - just a pain in the ass to clean. Have to hover it like every week,least on the wood floor at home just get the brush out, done. Hover - def too much effort considering the state hobs and surfaces get in sharing with 2 others (well 4 others if we include my bf and sam who stays 2/3 nights out of ever 7).
I now have season 2 of House to watch - yay, thanks to liz again for having some quality dvds, liz u rock and i'm gonna miss u next year.
I found out i don't have to leave til the 17th of june altho its likely i'll go back the 16th, as my dad has to pick me up and i think he'd prefer to spend fathers day chilling than being a long distance taxi.
Well i think thats enough rambling for now, back to my morning cup of tea and wandering the internet a bit.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Well its nearly done, i say that i still have to finish my project and then probably rewrite most of it 2m after seeing my tutor but its gatting there.
I now know when my exams are - 25th, 29th and 31st of may, that should be fun, normally i can only revise one topic at a time but im gonna have to divide my time if i've any chance of getting a 2:2, but its all over soon and then into the big world of work for a year or two.
As a side note - watched eragon the other night - not a bad film, keeps the spirit of the book even if it does take a lot out. If maybe they'd made it 2hrs, maybe 2 and a half they might have managed a bit more but still an enjoyable film but if you've read the book don't expect too much from it.
Also showed my boyfriend taxi (the good french original version) not the silly american one (imo i have only seen the trailer but when i se it in full i'll prob still have the same opinion). He enjoyed as its just a great film and he (even though hes not into cars in anyway really) still fancied getting a peugeot 406 afterwards. Now to show him the second one so we can watch the third one which my bro got me for xmas but have been waiting til daves caught up with me to watch. Damn degree getting in the way of having fun.
anyway, back to said coursework, got to get a fianl draft for 2m and i havent even finished the results yet or started the discussion argh.
I now know when my exams are - 25th, 29th and 31st of may, that should be fun, normally i can only revise one topic at a time but im gonna have to divide my time if i've any chance of getting a 2:2, but its all over soon and then into the big world of work for a year or two.
As a side note - watched eragon the other night - not a bad film, keeps the spirit of the book even if it does take a lot out. If maybe they'd made it 2hrs, maybe 2 and a half they might have managed a bit more but still an enjoyable film but if you've read the book don't expect too much from it.
Also showed my boyfriend taxi (the good french original version) not the silly american one (imo i have only seen the trailer but when i se it in full i'll prob still have the same opinion). He enjoyed as its just a great film and he (even though hes not into cars in anyway really) still fancied getting a peugeot 406 afterwards. Now to show him the second one so we can watch the third one which my bro got me for xmas but have been waiting til daves caught up with me to watch. Damn degree getting in the way of having fun.
anyway, back to said coursework, got to get a fianl draft for 2m and i havent even finished the results yet or started the discussion argh.
Friday, April 20, 2007
the end is near
Well i've nearly finished writing my results up and then its just waffling to fill in the word limit. I'm soo tired so data analysis is not good at the mo but it has to be done. Currently waiting for dave to finish his work so we can get lunch. I mite even have to have sugar in my tea to wake me up which is bad. Hopefully it'll get done tho.
Went to st albans yesterday and got a charm bracelet abd dave got me 2 charms which was nice. We were gonna get guess who but we're both skint which sucks, even when i get my loan im still skint argh.
but enough rambling i need food so off to lunch i go.
Went to st albans yesterday and got a charm bracelet abd dave got me 2 charms which was nice. We were gonna get guess who but we're both skint which sucks, even when i get my loan im still skint argh.
but enough rambling i need food so off to lunch i go.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
man im tired
Well im in the lrc doing data analysis that i should have done last week, im knackered as my new duvet is too warm and i spent 4 hrs yesterday travelling. My shoulders hurt coz my cases were heavy even tho i didnt have to carry them too far, except at kings cross, why is platform 11 soo far away from the tube exit.
Came back to find a fixed light aswitch, but a soaked thru carpet in the toilet, not sure why, thought it was leaking from the flush handle but put a bucket under it and nothing. It must know im watching it. Told the landlord so maybe in 2 weeks it'll get looked at. Theres mould on the carpet but surprisingly its glued to the floor rather than not being attacehd at all which means i cant take it up argh. I feel better now.
Anyway, the coursework is going ok, i have my data all ready and the analysis won't take long once ive got the right notes with me. I've dyed my hair the purplely aubergine colour i like so all is good.
Going out tonight for my mates 21st, going to nandos so that'll be good, also be good to see her again as its been bout 2wks. What will i do once i've finished uni.
Gonna do a bit more work before going home and having a muffin and a mini milk yum.
I'll prob rant /waffle more, im doing coursework so its a good way to distract myself, that and facebook.
Came back to find a fixed light aswitch, but a soaked thru carpet in the toilet, not sure why, thought it was leaking from the flush handle but put a bucket under it and nothing. It must know im watching it. Told the landlord so maybe in 2 weeks it'll get looked at. Theres mould on the carpet but surprisingly its glued to the floor rather than not being attacehd at all which means i cant take it up argh. I feel better now.
Anyway, the coursework is going ok, i have my data all ready and the analysis won't take long once ive got the right notes with me. I've dyed my hair the purplely aubergine colour i like so all is good.
Going out tonight for my mates 21st, going to nandos so that'll be good, also be good to see her again as its been bout 2wks. What will i do once i've finished uni.
Gonna do a bit more work before going home and having a muffin and a mini milk yum.
I'll prob rant /waffle more, im doing coursework so its a good way to distract myself, that and facebook.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Life = Coursework
Yep its that time of year where all i do is coursework, it sucks, but after today i only have to do it when i want, my tutor is not here to harass me and its the hols next week. I will do work over the hols but i will also have time to chill out play games, maybe more world of warcraft, watch some movies, spend time with family and friends etc.
I did a roaast on sunday for 6 people, that was fun, it was good and was very nice, one of my mates got absolutely trashed tho so next time we mite try to keep him a bit more on the sober side.
Not much else has been happening, im going home back to wales on saturday for a bit, give ,my mum her slightly delayed mothers day and birthday pressies.
Been watching House M.D and its brilliant, hugh laurie rocks, its not your stereotypical medical drama/comedy, its got something that just makes u want to watch more and enjoy it most importantly. Give it ago and see.
Thats all for now
I did a roaast on sunday for 6 people, that was fun, it was good and was very nice, one of my mates got absolutely trashed tho so next time we mite try to keep him a bit more on the sober side.
Not much else has been happening, im going home back to wales on saturday for a bit, give ,my mum her slightly delayed mothers day and birthday pressies.
Been watching House M.D and its brilliant, hugh laurie rocks, its not your stereotypical medical drama/comedy, its got something that just makes u want to watch more and enjoy it most importantly. Give it ago and see.
Thats all for now
Friday, February 23, 2007
Hot Fuzz and more
Well on wed i saw hot fuzz with my bf and some mates, all i can say is it rocks, i didnt laugh as much as i could of but i wasnt feeling 100% that day so nevermind. Simon Pegg has done it again, and for those of u who have seen spaced there are atleast 2 of the cast from that in it other than simon obviously.
Been trying to do coursework and failing, the software just doenst want to work but im spending most of 2moro putting the data in in a way that doesnt cause it to crash, it could take some time.
I'm cooking a roast on sunday which shud be good, havent had a roast in ages so that shud be cool.
Not much else going on really, playing world of warcraft which cud explain the lack of coursework completion, ah well ill get there, despite my laziness this degree is important to me.
Been trying to do coursework and failing, the software just doenst want to work but im spending most of 2moro putting the data in in a way that doesnt cause it to crash, it could take some time.
I'm cooking a roast on sunday which shud be good, havent had a roast in ages so that shud be cool.
Not much else going on really, playing world of warcraft which cud explain the lack of coursework completion, ah well ill get there, despite my laziness this degree is important to me.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Well as my last post mentioned i saw pursuit of happyness last week. I think its a class film, and its will smith in a serious role which he can play well. It nearly made me and my mates cry in a few places, and the end is an emotional one. Overall a good film not sure id but it but its def a possibility. Went out on tues to the font for an alt nite, was a good nite, bit quiet music was the usually mix of unknown stuff to me, and well kown stuff, was a bit on the meh side in that respect. But my friends were there and i managed to see some people i hadnt seen in ages damn uni work getting in the way. My mate kitty was having a bit of an up and down nite due to her boyfriend but i managed to cheer her up i think. I ended up walking her home to make sure she got home ok and then i ended up staying the night as it ended up being 4 in the morning and her and her flat mates wouldnt let me walk home alone. I keep forgetting that yes i may be older than them im still at risk in hatfield, if i was a bloke itd be less of a problem. Altho funnily enough in my forensics module we found out that more men are victims of crime than women.
I had a lovely valantines even if 2 of my mates were round co they werent getting a lift home til 6. I was knackered anyway, only had 3 hours sleep. I got flowers for the first time, the burning crusade expansion and the lotr extended box set, plus a cuddly toy and choc. Its just like christmas.
Now that the fun is over i need to go to uni to set up my experiment which could take a few hours at least. Least it gives me something to do, now i just hae to hope someone is in the room so i can use the pc.
I had a lovely valantines even if 2 of my mates were round co they werent getting a lift home til 6. I was knackered anyway, only had 3 hours sleep. I got flowers for the first time, the burning crusade expansion and the lotr extended box set, plus a cuddly toy and choc. Its just like christmas.
Now that the fun is over i need to go to uni to set up my experiment which could take a few hours at least. Least it gives me something to do, now i just hae to hope someone is in the room so i can use the pc.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Well ive been seeing a few this week, on wednesday i saw dreamgirls, not something i would normally go to see at the cinema but im glad i did. I enjoyed the storyline and the songs, altho some did go on a bit to long. Not bad overall and if you like musicals you'll enjoy it.
On thursday it was the psifa societys film night and we saw terminator 2 which is a classic that everyone sees atleast once. Good old bit of action and arnie doing what he does best from the films ive seen of him. Was good fun even if i was a bit tired.
Tonight im seeing the pursuit of happyness, which no doubt i will blog about later. Its got will smith in it so im happy anyway.
Aside from me not doing work, ive been going to lectures, 6hrs a week i love it, playing yet more world of warcraft, and trying to get a meeting with my project supervisor, which i now have thankfully, i might actually get to do this project before the hand in date.
I went to St Albans yesterday with dave and anna and spent probably more tha i should, but i got bath crayons so im happy, gotta love childhood. Bought some magic cards, couple of books, a ring for my boyfriend who also bought me the same ring, it wasn't even the ones we originally wnated to get but its was pretty and they had only 2 and they were perfect fits and aslo cheaper.
Not much else is going on at the mo, so ill wander off and do many other pointless things.
On thursday it was the psifa societys film night and we saw terminator 2 which is a classic that everyone sees atleast once. Good old bit of action and arnie doing what he does best from the films ive seen of him. Was good fun even if i was a bit tired.
Tonight im seeing the pursuit of happyness, which no doubt i will blog about later. Its got will smith in it so im happy anyway.
Aside from me not doing work, ive been going to lectures, 6hrs a week i love it, playing yet more world of warcraft, and trying to get a meeting with my project supervisor, which i now have thankfully, i might actually get to do this project before the hand in date.
I went to St Albans yesterday with dave and anna and spent probably more tha i should, but i got bath crayons so im happy, gotta love childhood. Bought some magic cards, couple of books, a ring for my boyfriend who also bought me the same ring, it wasn't even the ones we originally wnated to get but its was pretty and they had only 2 and they were perfect fits and aslo cheaper.
Not much else is going on at the mo, so ill wander off and do many other pointless things.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Well my fever broke last thurs after my exam so that was fun, spent the nite shivering under a sheet coz my temp hit 40, thankfully was a bit better the next day. Still have a horrible chesty cough that does not want to go away and its keeping me up at nite, im lucky if i get more than 4 hours at the mo and as lectures have started again and i have to work on my project its not good. My cough my also prevent me from see Hundred Reasons as they are playing at my uni tonight and if my cough is bad i shouldnt go as the smoke will aggravate it. argh.
On the plus side id get to watch CSI if i stayed in as i recorded the 4 episodes from Sunday.
Anyway i need to have some luch before i leave to get some cough syrup and go to my lectures.
On the plus side id get to watch CSI if i stayed in as i recorded the 4 episodes from Sunday.
Anyway i need to have some luch before i leave to get some cough syrup and go to my lectures.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Nearly there
Well ive done one exam, did better than expected, i think :S, we'll see. Am now revising for my exam thursday, just had a look at the past exam papers and i am not confident, hopefully that will change. If things go badly ill just have make sure i do all the work for my three exam based modules this semseter. Hopefully average at a 2:2, maybe a 2:1 if i really work my ass off.
After my exams im gonna chill and catch up on some games ive got recently - lost magic for the nintendo ds, harvest moon a wonderful life, black as well as the games i had before that i havent finished.
Anyway back to revision.
oh boy.
After my exams im gonna chill and catch up on some games ive got recently - lost magic for the nintendo ds, harvest moon a wonderful life, black as well as the games i had before that i havent finished.
Anyway back to revision.
oh boy.
Friday, January 12, 2007
exmas, argh
well my dissertations in and done so no more worries about that. Now all i have to do is revise for 2 exams next week, im not expecting to do well although i am hoping i manage a pass.
Apart from stressing over exams (which is doing my sleep no good) everything is good. Im off to the cinema sat to watch happy feet with dave and anna. We're going to nandos for dinner after so should be good. I might be going out 2nite but as my lower back is playing up i may not, even if i can drink.
Roll on next friday, then all i have to do is my project and 3 exams in the summer. Then scarily i will be finished forever as far as this degree goes.
ANyway back to the revision.
Apart from stressing over exams (which is doing my sleep no good) everything is good. Im off to the cinema sat to watch happy feet with dave and anna. We're going to nandos for dinner after so should be good. I might be going out 2nite but as my lower back is playing up i may not, even if i can drink.
Roll on next friday, then all i have to do is my project and 3 exams in the summer. Then scarily i will be finished forever as far as this degree goes.
ANyway back to the revision.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
at last
I've finished my dissertation, well ive still got the references and the folder of notes and then to bind 2 copies of the dissertation, but that will be a piece of cake in comparision to writing the damn thing.
I can relax tonight and eat ice cream and worry bout things 2m.
Gonna watch CSI/CSI miami and CSI:NY
hav fun folks
I can relax tonight and eat ice cream and worry bout things 2m.
Gonna watch CSI/CSI miami and CSI:NY
hav fun folks
Well im back at uni now, got another 800 words and lots of little bits to do before being able to hand in my dissertation on wednesday. Then 2 exams on the 15th and 18th to revise for and then things settle down again for a bit.
Been a bit miserable of late, dont know if its coz im stressed bout my course and not showing it as always. I never truely believe im capable of doing my degree but im still here and all my friends and family think i can do it. Im also a worrier, well not as bad as my mum but i cant help but worry bout people i care about so that doesnt help. Also feeling a bit of a burden to my rents at the mo as dad took me shopping in tescos and is paying my rent, altho i am giving him any of my loan that doesnt pay off my overdraft. I always say im gonna treat my mum and dad to a holiday etc when ive got a decent job after uni but then part of me doesnt believe i can pass and get a decent job. A rock and a hard place anyone.
My bf is being lovely and supportive etc and thats something that is troubling me, im not used to having such a nice bf, previous ones have been caring but not as caring as this one and also not as adamant about how they feel as well. Ah well hopefully after my exams things will get back to normal and i'll feel chirpy again.
This is just a bit of a ramble to avoid work but im gonna go back to that now.
Been a bit miserable of late, dont know if its coz im stressed bout my course and not showing it as always. I never truely believe im capable of doing my degree but im still here and all my friends and family think i can do it. Im also a worrier, well not as bad as my mum but i cant help but worry bout people i care about so that doesnt help. Also feeling a bit of a burden to my rents at the mo as dad took me shopping in tescos and is paying my rent, altho i am giving him any of my loan that doesnt pay off my overdraft. I always say im gonna treat my mum and dad to a holiday etc when ive got a decent job after uni but then part of me doesnt believe i can pass and get a decent job. A rock and a hard place anyone.
My bf is being lovely and supportive etc and thats something that is troubling me, im not used to having such a nice bf, previous ones have been caring but not as caring as this one and also not as adamant about how they feel as well. Ah well hopefully after my exams things will get back to normal and i'll feel chirpy again.
This is just a bit of a ramble to avoid work but im gonna go back to that now.
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