Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fable 2

So i got fable 2 for Christmas which was a pleasant surprise. I had played the first one a little so knew what to expect and i wasn't let down. I much enjoyed playing it on the xbox when compared to playing the fable on my pc. The controls felt nearly second nature, except the few times i pressed B accidentally, to get out of things and it cast a spell and scared the villagers away, although this did come in handy when i got surrounded and stuck or i felt like stealing from their cupboards.

I will say now that i was playing the game as a good guy (well girl actually as you can pick your gender in this one), all the important points where we had to pick either good or evil i went with good. i put the rent and prices down on any stalls and houses i bought. i was friendly to people and saved the slaves rather than making people be slaves. So overall i was good, just a few books and pies stolen now and then.

This game was easy enough to complete, i got it xmas and finished it yesterday and that was with a week of not quite playing as my disc wasn't being read by the xbox. This also includes doing most of the side quests, i still have a few left but they mainly involve killing gargoyles and buying very expensive housing. I enjoyed the voice acting in the game as the main characters are voiced by people i quite enjoying watching on the tele (Stephen Fry and Zoe Wananmaker) The story moves along at a fair pace and if you followed the main plot it would be quite a short and sweet game. The game allows the hero to get married, have kids and buy as many buildings as he/she can afford. i will admit i got married as it was kinda part of a side quest and because i was being nice i couldn't be evil to the guy.

You get income every 5 mins from your houses and stalls and this counts even when not playing. however due to our xbox being off with no power it resets to the default time everyday so we found out that if you set it to the correct date and time it counted as having you played that time and you got rather a lot if money. Dave used this trick a few times, i did it once deliberately but if i started playing after dave then it happened anyway. It does make getting enough money for the expensive buildings a lot easier tho. I think i would have liked to have had gold as a reward for questing but i can see why they didn't and gave you the chance to do jobs instead which aren't that bad if done in small chunks.

Fighting was very straightforward with the standard slashing, shooting or magic options. I did miss the heal spell but considering i had infinite mana it makes sense. Also excessive use of the inferno spell solved most of my problems as long as i had a potion or two on me.
Overall i rather enjoyed that and i know some say its too short but it was just right for me given that i work and the tv the xbox is connected to also is the main tv so i couldn't play non stop.

Its the first game I've finished in a long while and its kinda made me want to go play more games, i did play a little gears of war while fable 2 was not working and i may go finish that or finish one of the other many games i have.

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