Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snow, Snow and More Snow

Well we've had more snow, we had some last week which stopped me going to work wednesday and we had some last night that stopped me going to work today. On the plus side i don't need to be in work til sunday now so hopefully things will have gotten back to normal. We'll probably still have some snow left but as long as the roads are clear things carry on as they should be really.

It has been quiet at work obviously as not as many people are out shopping. We haven't had big deliveries either as its after xmas and it goes a bit slow for a bit so we've not had a lot to do in the shop lately. The boredom has caused the staff to carry out extra cleaning just so we've got something to do.

I'm also missing the benefits of central heating in the long cold spell, i've got 2 duvets and a sleeping bag on the bed and most evening i'm snuggled up under a blanket. I'm also drinking large amounts of tea in a bid to keep me warm, i tried going on wii fit the other night but it was too cold to stay on it long enought to work up a sweat.

Well thats it for now, gonna go grab a cuppa

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