Monday, October 01, 2007

Things are good(ish)

Well college started on thurs, and after 4 hrs of it i'm feeling positive about the course. It is interesting to study and practice the skills needed to be a counselor. last week we covered health and safety risks, and practiced how to construct and build a contract as it were with a client so that we are both safeguarded. Just been trying to do my homework for thurs and its more challenging than i first thought but its all good.
Been for an interview today at coffee#1, i think it went ok, and now im just waiting to see if they want to give me a trial shift. In many ways i do want a job, some income would be good and ok it'd only be a little more than jobseekers but every penny counts at the mo. It might mean that i get to spend less time visiting dave and everyone at uni tho and that is where my heart wants to be and not just coz of dave. I like the independence and at this exact moment im missing a psifa night, i will get to go to one maybe once a month but i loved the social life. Heck i miss alt nites (no matter what they try to change the name to) even tho the music did get a bit repetitive at times.
oh well least this weekend im seeing dave, just got a long thurs to get thru, coz not only do i have my course from 5 to 9 but i have to be up and in town for 10:40 for the jobseekers check up interview. Which means i need to be up at half 8 maybe earlier. Boy im gonna be tired by the time i get to college.

Roll on the weekend and mine and daves 1yr anniversary. Doesnt seem like its been a year.

take care all


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